Welcome to the 96th Carnival of Homeschooling. If you don’t know what a carnival is… let me explain. A Blog Carnival is a showcase of memories (articles that we bloggers call “posts”) from around the net on a group of blogs which share similar interests. There are carnivals for all sorts of things (cats, finances, poetry…). This carnival is put on BY homeschoolers FOR homeschoolers. Each host has their own style and sometimes uses a “theme” to write the carnival. I like themes… so I usually use them when I host the carnival on my blog. This week’s theme is high school yearbooks. I happen to be a photo nut… and I thought it would be fun to see what some of my favorite bloggers looked like in their yearbook days. A few of the photo submissions you see here are current photos of bloggers (we won’t hold it against you that you are young enough to be our CHILDREN).
Take some time and visit each of the links below. You might go blind if you try to do it all in one sitting. Bookmark this post and come back with a cup of coffee when you have a free moment. You’ll be amazed at the talent, inspiration, wit, and information that each blogger has to offer the homeschool community. Each week there’s a new carnival of homeschooling, so be sure to check Henry’s blog to find out where the next carnival will be located. He also has information as to how you can enter one of your posts in the mix.
Be sure to ‘sign my yearbook’ below after you read through the carnival! In other words, leave a comment and let me know you stopped in!
Every year in schools around America some lucky guys and girls will be chosen to represent their class in some form or fashion. Maybe they have the ‘best smile’ or the ‘coolest car’. For whatever reason, they may be the ‘most popular’ or ‘geekiest’. Maybe they have an outgoing personality or make the best grades? Here are a couple of gals who have a special spot in our homeschool yearbook for their contribution to this week’s carnival. They are our brightest of the ‘Class of 2007’. Isn’t it nice to know that your students don’t have to compete in the rat race at public school to be the most beautiful or best dressed? In homeschooling, we get to focus on things that matter much more than our cars or our clothes. We get to focus on learning… and then we can all share the title of ‘best smile’!
Class Favorite
God Has a Plan for Your Homeschool… Heart of Wisdom Blog
Quotes from ‘Heart of Wisdom’:
‘Encouragement for homeschoolers. God promised to strengthen and equip us; to guide us in every situation; to meet all our needs; and never to leave us. He has consistently kept these promises…’
Most PopularHappy 18th Birthday!… SuperAngel
The ever popular Amanda Dixon turned 18 recently. Looks like she has quite a few fans at Homeschool Blogosphere High. If you haven’t signed your name in her ‘yearbook’, hop over to her 18th birthday post and sign your name on the Mr. Linky!
Best Dressed
School Update… Adventures in Daily Living.
Suzanne is our ‘best dressed’ senior at Homeschool Blogosphere High. Check out her comfy denim and soft cotton Ts. Are those Vans tennis shoes, Suzanne? Tell us how you keep up with the trends in homeschool fashion!
Debate Winner
Public Schools: Where You Don’t Get What You Pay For… Barbara Frank
Summary of Barbara’s Debate: Homeschoolers continue to prove that when it comes to education, spending money does not guarantee success.
Teacher’s Pet
101 Ways to Add Spice to Your Homeschooling Days… Lunablog.net
April of Lunablog.net is the homeschool teacher’s favorite assistant: A smorgasbord of ideas for new and experienced homeschoolers. Bookmark for those days when you need a little creative inspiration!
Class PresidentAttaining an excellent education… Principled Discovery.
Dana of Principled Discovery was elected hands-down our favorite political winner at Homeschool Blogosphere High. Her senior thesis is on pursuing excellence in education (of course).
Our 2007 science fair contestants put their brain-power to the test as they display some serious scientific method madness. Enjoy browsing the aisles full of fancy field trip reviews, perspicuous projects, exciting experiments, objective observations, logical lessons learned and more! These stellar students of science are all tied for a blue ribbon ticket at the fair. Stop by their booth to let them know what a great job they have done. All our judges give them a 10!
Contestant 1: Science Field TripSt. Louis Science Center… Lady Bugs, Laughter & Life
Kim Davis shares her review of a fun-filled outing that is sure to spark your science-enthusiasm. She has a bunch of photographs to go with the project that you should be sure not to miss as well.
Contestant 2: Observations Galore!
NASA Open House and 90th Anniversary… Little Blue School.
Lydia has ‘Fun, fun, fun ’til her Daddy took the supersonic wind tunnel away!’
Contestant 3: Solar ProjectOur Solar Project… Alasandra
Field notes from Alasandra’s project: ‘How our solar fountain worked, design flaws we discovered and the advantages and disadvantages of using solar power. (No sun = No power).’
Contestant 4: Blazes and Bionomics
Calofirnia Chapparal – a Fire Inspired Science List… The Not Quite Crunchy Parent
MC shares some interesting speculation on the California chaparral ecosystem and finds time to do research during their ‘school break’ due to a prolonged fire-drill. She says of her project, “I used the fires in our area to teach a lesson on biology, ecology and global warming.”
Contestant 5: Moment in Space History
How cool is a view of the Space Shuttle and ISS from the back 40?… Corn and Oil
Synopsis by Susan: ‘Information about how to see the Space Shuttle and the International Space Station in the night sky is provided.’
Contestant 6: Model RocketsModel Rocket Engines and Resources… Po Moyemu–In My Opinion.
Silvia submits a grade-A project on model rocket engines and shares her resources and links for future rocket science fanatics. Be sure to look over her specs and check out her link for the “Beginner’s Guide to Rockets”.
President of the Math ClubMultiplying in Parts and the Standard Algorithm… Homeschool Math Blog
In Maria Miller’s own words: “It’s not enough just to be able to go through the motions of the algorithm of multiplication”… We “need to understand the ‘why’, which is based on multiplying in parts. That idea is very needful in everyday life and later in algebra (distributive property).” You go girl!
Vice President of the Math Club
I couldn’t resist…… Let’s play math!.
Denise shares her lighter side with a very cute cat poster. Every classroom has to have a really cool poster, right? Be sure to check out her learning links as well. This math club whiz even has a few grammar tips up her sleeve. Just what is a ‘World Famous Random Kitten Generator’ anyway???
World Class Winner
Today’s Lesson – Countries Of The World… Consent Of The Governed.
Don’t miss Judy Aron’s You Tube Animaniac video link to “Countries of the World”. Judy is going places (lots and lots of places) for Homeschool Blogosphere High… and she’s taking us all with her!
Martial Arts
Tai Kwando: Physical Education and Something More… Ragamuffin Studies.
Elisheva shines as HBH’s star Tai Kwando martial arts marvel. She’s setting and working towards winning goals and aiming for the stars. We are proud of her efforts. Be sure to stop over and read about the confidence and personal benefits that physical training can add to your educational experience.
Star Journalist
Another Hanna Levin Piece in the Media… The Thinking Mother.
Clip from Christine’s winning article: “Homeschooling is an inevitable component in the media as part of Hanna Levin’s book tour to promote her new book, ‘God’s Harvard’ about Patrick Henry College, a college created specifically for Christian Homeschoolers.’
Amazing Authors
“Chicken Soup for the Homeschooler’s Soul?”… Apples of Gold Ministries
Lisa Bertolini voted class writing whiz! Here’s what she has to say: “We are attempting to encourage Chicken Soup for the Soul to create a Homeschooler’s Soul book. We’re asking who would consider writing a story, and/or purchasing the book, in hopes that they’ll see the interest among our fellow homeschoolers.”
Bringing History to Life
History with Primary Sources… Percival Blakeney Academy
Sebastian of Percival Blakeney Academy shares several great online resources for using primary sources when studying history.
Links to the Past
Best Homeschool History Find Ever!… Nerd Family Things.
Yearbook Photo caption: ‘NerdMom proudly displays her pocket protectors and pushes up her black horn-rimmed glasses as she grins for the camera. She’s in the limelight today because she has found a truly amazing history tool to share with her classmates. “Horizontal Linkage of People and Events!” she shouts as she holds up her new book for all of us to see.’
Cape Cod Coolies
Nature Walks: Why Cape Cod Was a Good Choice… Teaching Tommy
Lisa shares her classes experience with their nature walk at Cape Cod. Special Ed has never gotten any more special! You won’t want to miss the details for this class trip, so stop over on Lisa’s page to find out more about how they are learning better than they ever could in public school.
Nature Walk
Before Nature Walk Routine… Water into Wine: Vino per Tutto
Dawn and Matt (Homeschool Blogosphere High school sweethearts) share some nature walk goals for the class of 2007. They report that the first week went really well, the second week not so good. They also share some tips for the future… leaving “no child inside”.
Nature Walk, page 2
Homeschool Adventure #2Play the dad? No, be the Dad!
Also by Dawn and Matt… a VIDEOcast of their first nature walk of the year at a local nature park.
Always a Lesson
13 Things You Didn’t Know Were Educational… Mom Is Teaching.
Summer finds a way to learn in and out of school settings. Way to go, HBH cheerleader!
When School Projects Fail
My Cat’s Butt Glitters in the Sun… Day by Day Homeschooling.
Dawn Adams is our class clown here at Homeschool Blogosphere High. She grins as she tells the yearbook team about her essay on school project setbacks, “I wasn’t sure if ‘butt’ would be offensive so I thought I’d submit this and see.” She said she would understand if we didn’t use her entry for the yearbook, ‘butt’ how could we resist??? There’s something just warm and fuzzy (and green… and sparkly?) about cats, isn’t there?
Encouraging Pretend Play… About Homeschooling
Beverly Hernandez is our HBH Drama Queen. She even tutors fellow acting students on the side. She offers her advice back stage: “As homeschool parents, we can
encourage pretend play even past the early stages of childhood by providing resources that spark children’s imaginations. Here are some printable kits to encourage pretend play.”
Ideas in My Head… Homeschool Daze Blog
Julee, the sophomore class favorite, muses about ABA therapy and contemplates how she can incorporate some of the systems into her homeschooling. She shows us how step-by-step and mastery are important in her notes.
Thinking and Logic
Thinking Games… All Info About Homeschooling
Patti Miller shares some brain-boosters in our advertisement pages at the back of the yearbook. See how smart you really are! Everyone loves a mind-bending pop quiz.
Contests and Awards
This week, Kelly, at Pass the Torch, is hosting two giveaways for awesome homeschooling products — a Career Expedition Boardgame and a Think It, Ink It story-writing book!
Getting Smarter Conference
Learning & The Brain Conference: discount for SharpBrains readers… SharpBrains.
Alvaro Fernandez has ideas on how to raise his class IQ! He shares, “this conference is for educators on emerging research on Learning and The Brain”. He has info for students about special registration discounts. Meet him in the hall by the office after school.
College PrepIs It All About Going to College?… Homeschool2.0 Blog
Lynn, our HBH Valedictorian shares about college and the future for other homeschoolers in her graduation speech. You can find a copy of it on the linked page of the Homeschool Blogosphere 2007 yearbook.
Preparing for Life After Graduation
Money and the Importance of Education… Why Homeschooling
While academics are important, Henry Cate (a Stanford Scholarship winning Honors Student) reminds us that students “need to learn there is more to being successful in life than just having an education.”
Book Worm
Book Report Forms“… Homeschooling Journey
Annette Berlin is our Creative Writing blue ribbon winner. She shares some struggles with writing book reports in a structured and organized format. Her class has had success with book report forms. “That’s why we frequently used book report forms.” she tells the yearbook crew. She even shares ideas on how to “make your own customized book report form.”
Penmanship Perfection
Handwriting Without A Workbook… The Educational Life.
Jacci is a penmanship pro. She has some excellent tips for her fellow students that are sure to make your handwriting process painless and enjoyable. Pretty soon you’ll be looking forward to time with your pen and lined paper like she does!
List Making
8 Reasons To Love Homeschooling… Our Family Village.
Jo, one of our very own Yearbook Staff members and a UIL Journalism competition winner, shares her heartfelt list of why she loves homeschooling.
Here in the world of homeschooling, we place a special value on our student’s character and attitude. Many of our faculty are believers in moral success as well as academic success. We believe in building the whole student… the heart and not just the mind.
Learning Patience
Super Mom, er, Grouch… Seeking Rest In The Ancient Paths
Jacque, our Homecoming Queen, shares with honesty that even though she’s got a lot of popularity, she still has days when her personality needs improvement. Her candid words are an inspiration to all of us: “I have always hated it when someone asks me those 2 ominous subjects about homeschooling: ‘How do you do it?’ and anything about patience.” I’m sure she’s learning some positive lessons. Just look at the homecoming mums that adorn her homecoming gown! Someone out there thinks she’s great!
Where would we be without our library at Homeschool Blogosphere Academy? In our school halls, you will find that all our faculty are just as bad about browsing the aisles as the students are. Some of the Homeschool Blogosphere High students are nearly tripping down the stairs over each other because they won’t put down their books. This school is a bookworm’s paradise. Homeschooling tends to bring out the ‘reader’ in you.
Life Without Libraries?
Better Than Christmas… … Life Without School
Becky, our library aide, shares her winning UIL creative writing short story: “Better than Christmas”. In it she tells of a far away land (New Jersey) where the libraries shut down for six long months! Her story sounds like a horror film in the making! Be sure to visit her page of the yearbook to find out why the libraries were closed.
Sweater Weather at Last!Autumn!… The Homeschool Way
Betsy shares some wonderful schoolish fun for fall.
Christian Holiday Inspiration
Thinking Christianly: Honoring Christ During the Holidays… C h r y s a l i s
E-mom, our Christian Student Union President, shares her team project for October: Lectures on “How to keep a Christian worldview in focus during Halloween.” She shares quotes by Dr. James Dobson and links to creative alternative resources and articles with the union and the crowd in attendance.
It is nice to be AT school when you wake up. Our classes don’t loose any time in line, outside the bathroom, or waiting to be seen by the school nurse. Our student teacher ratio is way down… just a handful to one (and in some classes, 1 to 1!). Each student in our schools has the added advantage of never needing a medical permission slip, either. There’s no excuse for missing the bus… because there isn’t a bus. It is also nice to have an “off campus” policy that is so liberal. Lunch time is a breeze with mom always available to either cook or drive you to Mc Donalds on a whim. How about a picnic after 4th period Math Class? No problem. Our schedule and our school location is very flexible.
Keeping a Green HourThe Heart of Harmony – Only Going for a Walk… The Heart of Harmony.
Our FFA Sweetheart, Barb-Harmony-Art-Mom shares in the beauty of the good ‘ol outdoors. She has made nature her friend by spending a little time outside with her class each day. Follow some of her suggestions to clear your thoughts and marvel at God’s creation. The sunshine is sure to improve your mood (and brighten your day).
Want Fries with That?
The Freshman 15… CampusGrotto.
Ted Reimers shares some health tips with our freshman class.
Time for Healthy Eating Before Class?
How To Cook Hearty Breakfast Muffins With Time To Spare… HowToMe.
HowToMe is a super Home-Ec student who has some wonderful recipes and tips for making the most out of your morning meals. She shares some hints with us in our yearbook interview: “Mom shared a breakfast muffin recipe with us that we’ve really enjoyed. It can be made ahead in large or small quantities and then frozen. This is easy and delicious!”
Time for Tea
Planning a Children’s Etiquette Tea Party… Tea Party Girl.
Tea Party Girl is our Etiquette class helper. She helps in teaching her classmates how to sip tea with style. Be sure to drop in on her tea party during Home-Ec class.
Farm Boys at Work… Along the Crooked Path
A day of homeschooling on a small farm is not complete without daily farm chores! This is a peek at what the ‘Harvest Kids’ club are doing to learn about farm life.
Story Reading TimeFamily Fun Night: The Ransom of Red Chief… Higher Up and Further In
The Reading Club shares a class favorite that is sure to have you in stitches. LindaFay, their club leader says, “O. Henry is an old friend of ours and visits at least once a year. Come and eavesdrop on the last visit…”
Future Homemaker of America HeroCan Ya Tell?… Amusing Reflections of a CoutryGirl
Jocelyn Dixon won FHA-HERO recognition for her hard work in the state level. In her acceptance speech, she shared the following meaningful advice: “As Homeschoolers we should really be giving off a warm sense of the home… where we are brought up… where we learn. We should be defined. People should be able to tell us a apart. We are different… training our children to be well socialized, well-mannered, and capable to get along with anyone in the loving care of the home.” Way to go Jocelyn!
Outstanding FHA LeaderThe Greatest Job in the World… My Home Sweet Home
American Home Economics Association recognizes Dawn of My Home Sweet Home for her outstanding leadership in homemaking. Dawn shares a job description that is fit for a queen… queen of the home-economics class, maybe! She’s our very own Homeschool Blogosphere High FHA sweetheart.
IndividualityOf Equality, Value, and Birthday Parties… Life Nurturing Education
Renae Deckard, voted “Most Likely to be President” by her Senior Class, says in the HBH school paper, “This article examines how fairness may not celebrate our unique individuality”.
Which World is the Real One?
Our World, by Marjorie… The Life Without School Blog
Marjorie shares a thought provoking essay in the school paper that was too good for our yearbook journalists to leave out. Here’s her brief summary: “We homeschoolers know well that some people think we are sheltering our kids from ‘the real world.’ On the one hand, I say ‘you’re right’ and I feel that it’s part of my job as a parent to do just that. On the other hand, I wonder which world is the real one.”
Tomorrow’s Leaders… or not?
Define the government, Don’t be defined by it: 10 ways schools shape students.… Cultureslave
An award-winning UIL paper by Cultureslave has the halls abuzz with discussion about institutionalized school vs. homeschooling. The article examines how schools undermine democracy by defining the children who will one day define the government… or will the government define them?
Every school has their fair share of trouble makers. Admittedly, they were fewer in past decades it seems… but there has always been a secret (or not-so-secret) smoking area, the famed outcast group, or someone caught skipping school (or worse). Even in homeschooling, there may be a few behavioral write-ups… however, skipping school is much harder at home when your MOM is the teacher. Below, Homeschool Blogosphere High discusses some touchy subjects about problems that parents need to be aware of:
Too Easy to Get
“Is My Son Addicted To Internet Porn?“… by Dr. Scott Davis
Dr. Scott Davis, the HBH resident doctor on duty shares some tips and warning signs for parents to watch out for.
Babies with Babies
Middle school girls and Sex… Notes From A Homeschooling Mom.
Hall monitor Andrea presents another good reason to continue homeschooling in her article for the HBH school paper.
Inspiration for the Spirit and HSBA Awards
Thursday Thoughts…
Dianne of Bunny Trails is one of our featured writers at the exclusive journalism team for Homeschool Blogosphere High School. She shares a devotional twice a month there. She and her HSBA team members (listed on their website sidebar) have some great information in the advertisements to follow… be sure to read to the end!
Graduating LifeWisdom From the Back of My Yearbook… Sprittibee
Sprittibee shares a journey through the yearbooks of her past. Join her for some wit and wisdom… and Truth.
The High Cost of Good PressSprittibee and Kevin are voted HBH’s ‘Most Unlikely Couple’ (a prep and a punk… go figure!). However, they have been together for nearly 16 years! Hopefully Kevin will forgive Sprittibee for staying up past 3AM to bring you this edition of the HBH 2007 yearbook (otherwise known as the 96th edition of the Homeschool Carnival). “Heather, I’m moving this computer out of the room. I can’t sleep with you clicking away on the keyboard.” he was quoted as saying just before he headed off to sleep across the hall. Sometimes journalists have to pay heavy prices to meet deadlines.
This year’s Homeschool Blog Awards are only days away from starting! Be sure to start taking notes and preparing to nominate your favorite homeschool blogs. Nominations will begin on November the 5th and last through the 17th. That gives you two weeks to get your nominations in. Be watching the HSBA website as rules and information are posted in the days to come. Voting will begin in early December. Winners will be announced before Christmas holidays begin. Prizes will be mailed after the first of the year. We thank our sponsors who have donated prizes for this year’s awards and hope that you will all join us there!
Note to readers: This is a spoof on yearbook terminology and none of the high school awards above are real. Please email me if you find a broken link. Thank you for your submissions and photos. Please spread the word on your blogs and use the graphic I emailed you if you can. Thanks again for a fun carnival.
Subscribe to Sprittibee by Email
Buzz Words: Homeschooling, Learning, Yearbook, Fun, Journalism, Science, Homeschool, Elementary, Field Trips, Kids, Teaching, Lesson Plans, Life, Children, Parenting, Carnival, Math, Christianity, Fall, Awards, Education, Carnival of Homeschool, Blogging, Blog Carnival, Behavior, Opinion
What a neat Carnival. Thanks for putting it together. I can’t wait to read all the interesting post. And it was really neat to see the yearbook pictures, what a wonderful idea.
Great theme idea! I loved seeing all the yearbook pictures. Great posts too.
I promised I wouldn’t read any blogs until after school today. It looks great! And you two haven’t changed A BIT!
I don’t have time to read now (got to come back later and take my time) but you’ve done a fabulous and creative job of putting this together. You amaze me! {{Kudos and hugs!!}}
Get some rest and take the day off!
Great job, Sprittibee! I *loved* all the hilarious yearbook pics! 🙂 Can you believe we actually did stuff like that to our hair on purpose?! Good for a laugh, though 🙂
Wow, that’s alot of entries. I’ll have to keep coming back, reading a little at a time. It might take all week, but everything looks so interesting. Thanks so much for hosting this! What a blessing it will be to so many moms this week!
Take care,
I look forward to reading this! Don’t have time right now! Got to get school started!
Be blessed!
What a great idea! The yearbook pictures are so fun.
Thanks for making such a wonderful carnival full of memories. High school seems so long ago…
Fabulous theme! I know that took a lot of work . . .
To Sprittibee,
The coolest, most creative girl in school!!!
BBFF (best blog friends forever)
This was a fun blog post… I am linking now
Thanks, man. I like, so totally had fun on this one.
“Are your friends cool? Do you dance cool? WELL ROCK OUT!”
I wish I had a copy of someone’s yearbook that I signed in high school. I used to draw these girls’ faces in them and take up half a page! I was such a gothic dork.
Now if only my husband will forgive me for making him sleep in my daughter’s room last night. The kids slept in my bed with me since Daddy moved out. They thought that was great. Hahaha. I really should consider putting this computer in another room…. or maybe just not blogging at night – hey there’s an idea!
This may be my favourite carnival! Excellent job!
Wow! You really know how to put together a carnival! Thanks for the hard work!
Wow! Your hair! Thanks for all your work on this, I’ll link and come back later to read!
This year’s yearbook is so bad! (Remember when bad meant good–or are you too young for that?)
Thanks for the carnival! This will take me a while to get all the way through. How fun! Great theme!
Awwww… wow. You crack me up!
What a great post. You are awesome lady!! I guess I should have given you a photo… I forgot about that until Amanda reminded me!
You did such a great job of this! I can’t wait to go through and read the posts.
I wasn’t homecoming queen… but I was nominated IRL. hehehee.
blessing, my friend!
Thanks for a great yearbook, I mean carnival. So much to read, so little time…..I will be back.
Barb-Harmony Art Mom
How are you doing today
My favorite sport is sofball
How clever! I wish I could have added my high school picture, but we just moved and I don’t know where it is! :0
Way to go, Heather…this is an outstanding Carnival…..
Sorry I missed the photo deadline–I’ve added one of my own and a link. Great carnival!
You did a terrific job, and what a fun theme! I have been out of the carnival loop…thanks for getting me back in. Love the punk look! I am amazed that I haven’t seen more big hair (as I surely donned!)
Thanks for publishing the Carnival. Love the theme. The yearbook photos were great.
Awesome Carnival – so clever.
Just WAY too clever, great job! Thanks for all your hard work!
awesome! i can’t wait to sit down with a cuppa. 🙂