Don’t forget to get working on your fall photo project for the Fall Five Kodak Printer Give-Away!
Speaking of photos… I found a great photo site for aspiring photographers on the net. Check out Cory’s Photo School.
Go and see Tami’s Blog for the 92nd Edition of the Carnival of Homeschooling, too.
Simply Recipes has a great looking Vermicelli dish that looks like it would be a wonderful addition to your fall meal menu.
Who made the list of the most popular parent bloggers at MamaBlogga? I was on the list! Go check and see if you were!
Need help distinguishing your shapes for math? Or help teaching the kiddos to distinguish them? Here’s a great geometry help for figures and polygons.
Do you want to do some cooking with your homeschool students? The Old Schoolhouse homeschool magazine shared a great freebie with us in a previous newsletter. Go and download the free unit study on Creative Classroom Cooking from Rainbow Horizons Publishing! While you are at it, you can find tons of freebies at Free Stuff for Homeschoolers (a blog that is updated weekly).
Need some ideas for better book reports? Check out “Better Book Reports — 25 Ideas!” at Education World.
The Homeschool Blog Awards has already begun posting daily posts and you won’t want to miss it. Yesterday’s post was by Dawn, and spotlighted a great creative writing curriculum tool. Today’s post is by Sheri, who tells us about her favorite homeschool-related links in the blogosphere. You will certainly want to subscribe to the feed for the HSBA!
Got prayer? Well, there’s a great website that wants to make sure you have someone to pray for you.
Check out these stats:
I run the website We’re an online prayer community.
We’re trying to get the word out out about the site. Your readers might want to know about us. Here are some interesting facts about PrayAbout:Launched: May 1, 2007
Users: Over 20,000 members
Prayer Requests: Over 29,000
Prayer Responses: Over 88,000They have also been written about in the Boston Globe and the Tennessean.
Go check it out…
American Standard Heating and Air Conditioning is sponsoring the “My Comfy Home Coloring Contest” with one lucky winner receiving a home comfort makeover valued at $15,000, which includes an in-home consultation session with home comfort expert and author Hannah Keeley.
The contest lets families work together on their entry: Parents or caregivers are asked to submit a 100-word essay about why they want to make their home comfier for their family, and their child is asked to draw a picture of their home. The contest deadline is Oct. 4, 2007. Only 2 days away!!! Further contest information can be found at
This has been a service announcement brought to you by one busy homeschool mama!
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Buzz Words: printer, fall, photos, homeschool, school, contest, math, free, goodies, fun, prayers, technology, blogging, product review
Awesome homeschooler of the week interview! I’ve got to think about mine – one interview this week may be enough!
🙂 thanks dawn!