As for us… we’re still trying to get well around here – and to get my poor mutilated computer back together again. I’ve got a sore throat and am feeling awful. The IT Guy I live with took apart the DELL Sunday night to give it a new hard-drive. He was still doing his magic on it last night. So far, so good. I’m certainly not up to full speed (myself) – and while the computer may be faster, it is lacking all the software required to put me back in business as a homeschooler or blogger just yet. Back to hand-writing the lesson plans today for me. Likely we’ll be doing school “lite” anyway… and that’s fine with the kids and me both! Looking forward to some cuddle time, reading and maybe art if I can fight the medicine head off this afternoon.
The Calipitter is getting really big and has distinct red rings joining his segments together. He’s looking more and more like a Leopard Moth caterpillar. Sadly, he is hard to keep fed. My baby desert willow tree we purchased a few months ago is looking like a bald stick lately.
Next week is our vacation from school… and everyone is looking forward to some free time and Thanksgiving fun. One of us in particular is looking forward to my Sweet Potato Bliss (casserole)… and that would be me! Thanksgiving foods are my very favorite of all. We have much of the same type of meal for Christmas, too.
Get on over to make your nominations for the 2007 Homeschool Blog Awards. This Saturday is the last day to get them in. You have around 5 days to nominate your favorite homeschool bloggers.
LINKIESIf you would like a few links where you can get a much better read than this random posting… go visit these little gems below:
- Ann Voskamp’s CWO Column (Nov. 2007 is wonderful… but they all are, aren’t they?)
- Stop off at USA.gov to get some Thanksgiving themed ideas
- Stop at my food blog to see what you can make with the piles of sweet potatoes at the grocery store this fall
Hopefully I’ll be back to feeling better and my computer will be in working order again soon. Until then, happy homeschooling and hope you stay well for the holidays! Say a little prayer for us today if you think of it!
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Buzz Words: Homeschooling, Homeschool Blog Awards, Thanksgiving, Nominations, Life, Holidays, Homeschool, Personal, Links, Sick, Bugs, Caterpillar
Hmmm, guess I will have to use some of your recipes for the Homesteading Carnvial, huh? lol
I put a reminder on my sidebar for the HSBA so I hope people go over there and nominate. You’ve worked so hard on it!
And will be praying for you!!
Feel better! We’ve all been sick too! (I just found your blog and also homeschool!) I’ll add you to my prayers as well! A sick house is no fun at all…:(
Jocelyn – have at the recipes! 😉 Thanks for the links for HSBA and the prayers. I have to say that Amy and Dawn and all the other ladies are working just as hard as I am at the site. 😉 Don’t forget them!
Deanna – Thanks! 🙂 I’m praying that I’m on the upswing. The kids sound awful, but they are playing and I even saw them chasing the cat to tie something on her tail earlier. 😉 That’s a good sign. Always fun to have a laugh at the cat’s expense… it may be the medicine we needed!