My music teacher in elementary school made a song to go with Christina Rossetti’s little caterpillar poem. I can remember being amazed by her long hair and lovely voice. We used to sit on bleachers in music class and she always carried a baton around like a orchestra conductor. That made her look really important to us kids, of course.
I think I was in second or third grade when we sang this little poem and I sing it sometimes even now to my kids. I always enjoyed poetry and finding the message in the words that the poet was trying to convey. I love it still.
So that we could share the tune for this poem-song with you, we created a little PodBean account and uploaded an MP3 of our voices. I know you are itching to sing along with us! Click the link below to hear us in all our musical splendor (yeah, right).
Brown And Furry
by Christina Rossetti
Brown and furry
Caterpillar in a hurry
Take your walk
To the shady leaf, or stalk,
Of what not.
Which may be the chosen spot.
No toad spy you,
Hovering bird of prey pass by you;
Spin and die,
To live again a butterfly.
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* note: my podbean seems to have disappeared. My daughter is now 15 and has a Soundcloud account, so I’ll see if I can get her to sing this for me – so you can hear it! Feel free to bug me if I forget… you know how it is with 4 kids, right?!
That is cool! We are using Jessie Wise Bauer’s “First Language Lessons” as our grammar program, and this was the first poem to be memorized.
Even the 3 and 5 yo memorized it! I can’t wait to share this with them!
That is just too cute!
The link is not working for me =(
I’m working on getting my daughter to sing this on her Sound Cloud. She’s a bit of a sensation with her singing voice around here. 🙂