It has been a while since I’ve done a meme that required some thought. Since I’m on my way out of town tomorrow for a week-long vacation, I thought I would dig in to my “to blog” folder and pull out something easy. I think I was tagged for this back in early November. Sorry Barbara!
The question of the meme is: “If you could take 5-10 classes/courses to ‘fix your life’, what would they be?”
Hmmmm. Not sure the wording of the question is the way I would have put it, but hey – I can play along anyway.
I’ll just list for you a few of the classes/courses I’m interested in:
1. An in-home Bible study. Of course, I say in-home because that seems to be my main problem with going to any Bible study – the lack of me being able to GO. I would hate to make others come to my house in the boonies, though. Maybe an online Bible study with other women where we had a set time to “meet” and discuss the week’s lessons? I absolutely love Beth Moore studies. I’ve been wanting to take another one for a long time.
2. A web design class… not limited to Photoshop classes and other web programs. I am hoping to get a few programs for Christmas, so this class might be a reality for me next year. As you can see… I have a blog design assistant up there on the desk (please ignore the dust on my keyboard tray that my kids have written in – how embarrassing).
3. Italian class. My buddies who live in Italy all speak Italian and it would be wonderful if our family could learn it for the future. We hope to travel there in a few years.
4. Cooking class. I would love to learn from someone’s Mexican grandma how to make world-class Migas, home made tortillas, mouth-watering refried beans, and stuffed Chile rellenos. While I’m at it… I would also learn how to make Mid-Eastern and European foods that we love so much. I have a list of foods from Azerbaijan that we are very interested in trying to make. I love adding cooking in to our homeschooling.
5. A digital video editing class. I have always been interested in taking our home videos and making them into more interesting movies to preserve for the family. My mom paid someone a few years back to add music and clips from an old reel-to-reels and gave them away for Christmas one year. That was back when the technology for video editing was up and coming. I’m sure it has come a looong way since then.
6. A sewing and quilting class. I am a quilt fanatic. I also have an eye for color and art. I would really love to sew so that I could make things. I think needlework would be so fun. I love to visit soft-craft blogs to see all the latest original creations. I have quite a few embroidery and fabric-loving blogs in my sidebars. See if you can find some!
7. A painting class. Any kind of painting class would be great, but the kind of painting I would love to learn would be faux painting (interior finishes) – like the kind on HGTV that make you think your own white walls are the reason for all your problems. I have a friend who did this amazing texture, paint and glaze thing in her bathrooms and they look AMAZING. When I can afford the materials, I’m going to drag her over here on pain of death and make her show me how to do it.
8. Art classes. The kids are already going to art classes, but I would love to take them myself. I already asked their teacher if I could pay an extra pupil’s fee and get an extra set of all the art supplies she is buying them for myself. After this school year is over, I’m praying that we can find another art class we can all attend together.
9. A book club. I would love to be in a book club. I really don’t read enough for myself. I can’t ever find the time (maybe it is because I’m blogging?).
10. A gardening class. There’s no limit to how much I could learn because I kill anything I plant. Just ask the three chaste trees on my porch that should have been planted two months ago (which are nearly dead from aphids and lack of water). Growing my own veggies would be wonderful… the only part I don’t like is the “work” part of it. That and I never learned how to balance gardening and the rest of our busy life (I am a city-girl). I guess you would also have to say that I have some geographical challenges, too… having only a back yard to do it in.
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8 Random Things About Sprittibee
Whiskers on Kittens (few of my favorite things)
Goofy Facts #2
Goofy Facts #1
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Buzz Words: Me, Personal, Memes, Education, Self Help, Goals, Personal Growth, Learning, Hobbies
Good list. Bible first! I’ll join in the quilting class.
We are having a Homeschool Book Giveaway at http://Heartofwisdom.com/blog A new book will
be given away each week (Bloggers receive three entries by posting a link). Thanks.
I have the same issue with getting to a woomen’s Bible study. Once my two best friends and I (one was in Houston, one in Austin and I in LV) did a beth Moore study via IM. It was so much fun and something I looked forward to every week.
This is a great list, many that I would choose! In fact, I’m doing some:o) I found a local quilt guild and they have free beginner classes for members. The classes are only once a month so it’s not too hard to make it. I’ve learned so much from listening to and watching some women who are more experience at something I want to become a lot better at!
God bless, Tammy
I’ve been yearning to take a class but it is so hard when you’re a homeschooling mom. I think I yearn for something more adult then “Romona Quimby”. If you decide to self-teach Mexican cooking I recommend Diana Kennedy. She has the best Mexican Cookbooks and has one that has lots of photos for demonstration. She travelled through Mexico for years and also taught Mexican cooking. She is interesting, authentic, and gives good directions. The only problem might be if you do not live in an area with a big Mexican population. It might be hard to find the right ingrediants or cooking supplies (like a tortilla press for the absolutely yummy and so easy to make from masa homemade tortillas).
I used to host an in-home Bible study, but now I also live in the boonies – that puts a damper on things, I know. I’ve been looking around trying to find an online study, and I also LOVE Beth Moore studies, so if you hear of an online study of hers, let me know!
Why are my comments always about the cuteness of the kids or the cats?!
He is so fuzzy wuzzily squuezably cute. Must…squeeze…on…22nd. He will surely hate me, but that’s ok.
Heartofwisdom: 🙂 I took photos of one of my grandma’s quilts that I love… someday I’d like to make it again myself. Hope I didn’t miss your giveaway while I was out of town!
Isaiah5513 – That sounds like such a great idea! I did a Beth Moore at home with my husband once, too.
Tammy – Your Quilt guild sounds great… but I feel like I need a sewing machine first, don’t I?
Temost – Thanks for the Mex-Food tip! 🙂 I do live in Texas, so all sorts of great tools and ingredients are at my disposal. 🙂
Jennifer – you live in the boonies, too? Maybe we should do an online bonnies Beth study. 🙂 Let me know if you find one, too.
Sara – Hey, cuz. Cuteness is hard to resist, yes-no? I am currently squishing kitties after our long trip. Well, squishing one, scolding both. Minga won’t be pet and the little monster Quaker has gotten meaner due to her evilness. They are attacking each other. I have the scratches to prove that I have been in the middle of it. 🙁
I’m so glad you let me know you got your class list together! I had fun reading it (and no, I wasn’t crazy about the ‘fix-your-life’ reference either.)
Back when I was still homeschooling all four of mine, two of the classes on your list saved my sanity: Bible study and quilt classes. I just moved out of state and left the wonderful women’s Bible study I was in for 14 years (since my youngest was 6 mos. old) and I miss it very much.
I took quilting classes at a shop about a half-hour from my home. I’d bring my machine and spend the day with other rabid quilters maybe every six months or so. What fun! It stopped when the owner closed the shop and retired to Montana, where she began homeschooling her grandchildren 🙂
Thanks for the heads-up re: your post!
Merry Christmas,