A certain buzzy blogger you know is about to turn 30… again. I ‘ain’t tellin’ who.
Say you guess who’s bee-day it might be this month and you want to get me her a present? Hey – stranger things have happened! Stay with me here…
If you did want to get some bloggy buddy of yours a present (one who’s blog starts with Spritti and ends with Bee), here’s what you might get that blogger (besides LOTS of money in the tip jar on my her sidebar… and ALL the stuff on my her Amazon Wish List):
Vote for me her! Err… Vote for Sprittibee! *sheepish grin*
Scroll down, find my name and vote.
Yep – easy as that.
Takes a just a few minutes and might require you to sign up by divulging your email address (but they don’t ask for a name, so it’s harmless).
Drop me a note if you vote. I want to see how many bloggy buddies I have out there.
Boy, won’t I be embarrassed if my comments stay as empty as they have been lately!
Happy New Year guys. We’re on our way home from our extended Christmas vacation with family this weekend. I’ll be getting my fill of kitty belly soon. Boy, I miss those furry kids of mine. Hope the tree isn’t a pile of tinsel and broken trinkets by the time we get there.
See you from my own PC soon! Happy Birthday month to Jesus and me. Me and Jesus are homies.
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Buzz Words: Christmas, Gifts, Personal, Blogging, Vote, Holiday, Me, Life, Fun, Friends, Jesus, Awards, Birthday
Happy Birthday, Heather!!! Looking forward to working with you!!
Happy Birthday, sweetie. I’ll call you today. 🙂
(I voted. I think.)
Happy birthday! I hope your day is great!
Happy birthday! I had to vote… I send so many new Konos moms to your site for planning advice and such! Thanks for all your work!
heidi in chicago from konos loop
Happy Birthday!!!!
Hey Heather!
I tried to vote, not sure if it counted…I’ll try again!
Love your blog!
Happy Birthday, my bee friend! Hey, I tried to go vote, but apparently, I’m dumber than a sack of hammers, cuz I couldn’t even figure it out. So. Once you’re home, you could IM me and hold my pathetic little bunny paw and walk me through it, I reckon. You do have 9 points right now – more than anyone else. 😀
Happy 30th Birthday… Again!!
I hope you have a wonderful day!
love ya!
Hi, I’m Alitta from Thailand and i happened to read your blog, i like it so much especially the Bee-themed deign on its head… Happy Birth Day!
Happy birthday!! I’m a Dec. baby too. I still need to vote, haven’t gotten there yet.
Thanks for the birthday wishes everyone! And for the votes! 😉 I’ll respond a little more in detail when we get back to our home base. 🙂
Happy belated birthday, Heather… and thank you for blogging–you are so appreciated! Congratulations!