My first published article will appear in the Heart of the Matter today. It feels weird to write for someone else other than myself… but then, I felt like my article was written for me this time regardless of the deadline. It might as well have been posted here on my blog because it is a lesson I find God teaching ME right now.
The article I wrote is about the Garden of our Hearts… taking time to build heartstrings to connect us with the Lord, our husbands, and our children – despite our hectic schedules and our crazy homeschool lives. I hope you’ll join me at Heart of the Matter for the rest of the story…
… and that you’ll stick around to see the other talented writers and wonderful encouraging articles there. It is sure to bless your heart!
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Buzz Words: Magazine, Writing, Parenting, Christian, Heart, Motherhood, Article, Blogging, Homeschool, Homeschooling, Children, Education, Uplifting, Moms
Congratulations–that’s so exciting!
Thanks! 😉