Last night I made home-made chili and my husband made home-made cornbread. We laughed as we shopped at the grocery store – there was not a can of black eyed peas on the shelf. I bought some purple hull peas to cook, but didn’t do it. We spent New Years eve making home-made kolaches (poppyseed and apricot) and pumpernickel bread. We played Crazy 8 (a card game) and danced in the kitchen to “What are You Doing New Years?” (big band version). I also cleaned the pantry out, hung up my 2008 calendar and weighed in.
I’m a busy bee this new year. At least I should be busy. This first day back to school I got up at 5:30am to tackle 2008 face on. We’ll be doing light school today and then meeting some buddies at the library… and then going to spend some gift certificates this evening at the mall. Below I have listed what I’ll be up to this month… and the bolded items are what is most important right now. I’ll be checking back in on this post to cross it off.
take a workbook I didn’t use back to my church
buy birthday cardssend cards to D, pop, K, R (belated)MAKE new calendar insert pages for my day plannersend swap gift (sorry Amy! I’ll do that today!)check bank account online
2007 letter created
email 2007 letter
medical paperworkre-reconcile checkbookupdate checkbook with new receipts from vacation
leftover unit study post
leftover unit study printed sheet for binderschool planningnext unit’s library booksmeet friends at library/plan to see other friends…call Stacy and Jancheck phone messagesplan kid bday parties
trailer to pick up furniture at mom’s
bookcases, chairs, buffet?laundryclean house
sort school papers
XLS for 06-07 finished
report cards donemake maple chocolate cakebible class next Wednesdaykid pen pal letters donethank you cards mailedsell used curriculum
goal review worksheet created for me and kidsschool spiral updated (lists printed for chores/assignments)
new year resolutions added to goal list
tax documents sorted and ready to mail to tax man
file cabinets cleaned outphone minutes checkedhsba deadlines for jan. on calendarhsba Rolodex finished
license updatedcat fixed 3rdheart article finished (draft by 4th)
menu for jan.swap post for jan.hsba awards prize work finishedemail vendors again to make sure they got my first prize/winner list
make a cd for the car
work with creativity expresscheck and clean out emails
blog 06-07 posts and last FTFF for 05-06pay bills after payday
blog daddy’s bread recipes/chili recipeblog Amy’s swap gift
new blush brushcheck mail/go to post officebook report forms printed
buy Morgan the book she wants (jack hamm)
set up co-op field trips for co-oppay kids allowance for charts completedupdate printed monthly calendars for dec./jan.
touch up trim/walls
hang mirror in dining rm
texture and paint
blog redesign
move cookbookslandline phone
mom’s paypal fixed
frames for art and photosspca refund request faxed/refund in mailhelp the kids blog each week
cd projectclean off deskgive away clothes to Hclean bathroomshelp kids clean their rooms
quilting class in this area?ask P about photoshop cs3jpaint tips of fake tree branches – color codedtake down Christmas treetake down upstairs holiday decorationstake down downstairs holiday decorationstake down holiday cardsclean out refrigeratortrash outbabysit for friend Fridaykids to spend night at friend’s houseget printer fixed!!!desk paperwork done
So I guess I’ll be a little tied up for a bit… but hopefully I can fit “blog each day” in to the schedule. If you say a prayer for me, please pray that I will be as efficient and energized as the bunny.
Well… it is 6:40AM and my computer time is over for now… be back to check email tonight!
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Buzz Words: List, New Years, Goals, To Do, Personal, 2008, Getting Things Done, Life, Busy
That list made my eyes glaze over. Good luck getting it all accomplished! 🙂
Happy New Year!
Holy Moly, girlfriend! You make my life look easy. LOL! Maybe I’ll get motivated to make an entire list – AND post it on my blog. We’ll see. Meantime, I’ll be cheering you on! You go, Queen Bee! 😀
Seems like in times like these we need a more secure anchor to steady our souls, so I am spending more time in His presence. I am also beginning a 21 day Daniel fast just to get that flesh in check. Have fun and be blessed. mastermom
Um… so that’s a list for the year right? tee hee…
That’s quite a list! I need to get working on mine. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
Still working on it… 🙂
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