As promised, here is my field trip list for:
OUR 5th YEAR OF HOMESCHOOL: 3rd GRADE and 4th GRADE (2006-7)!
Do you have kids that are younger than 3rd and 4th Grade? Go visit my previous field trip lists (linked with photos and reviews). They can be found on my Homeschool Series post by year/grade level.
Below is a list of field trips we took when my children were in Third and Fourth Grade during the 2006-7 school year. In case you are just “tuning in” (and I apologize up front to the regular visitors for sounding like a broken record), our kiddos were 7 and 9 at the time. As my “Field Trip Foto Friday” Series progresses, I’ll try and stop back in here to add links with detailed reviews of these field trips.
If there is a review of the field trip, it will be linked below and marked with asterisks (***) so you can go read the review.
Field trips are our favorite part of the school year. Of course, I did not list the numerous times we went to the park or library – those are frequent ‘field trips’ for us. Some of these field trips may seem a little on the cheesy side also (Scrapbook Day – spent at a scrapbook store learning to use their art tools – being the main one I’m talking about)… but you would be amazed at what you can learn if you HEAD OUT SOMEWHERE with the intention of LEARNING something new! Even a trip to the grocery store can be an educational experience if you set goals, bring tools (calculator), have an idea of what you aim to teach, and make it FUN!
I plan on starting back up with my Field Trip Foto Friday series again to flesh out the details and bring you the pictures from each of these that I can. I may be unable to find a photo for all of them, but I will do my best.
2006-7 Field Trips (Third/Fourth Grade)
- Visit an audiologist’s office (look in ears, see ear tube up close) ***
- Park Picnic with Friends
- Walk with a mailman on his route
- Go to Blind lady’s home and talk with her
- Visit an ophthalmologist’s office (take eye exams & see model eye)
- Swim at the Gym with Daddy
- Jam session with Church Music Minister
- Guitar Shop (hear a guitar teacher play for us on an electric guitar) ***
- Natural State Expo – Arkansas (ecology fair) ***
- Chili Social at friend’s house in Searcy, AR
- Pinnacle Mountain Rendezvous (Indian Pow Wow & Living History) ***
- Lower White River Museum & State Park (tour guide, butter, cabin, pearl buttons) ***
- Louisiana Purchase Historic State Park (swamp boardwalk, monument) ***
- Monroe County Arkansas War Memorial & City Hall
- Harvest Parties, Pumpkin & Animal Farm ***
- Trip Home to Texas
- Burns Park Fall Photo-Shoot ***
- Pioneer Wagon Ride ***
- Art Museum in AR ***
- Toltec Mounds in Scott, AR (Indian games, blow-darts, dugout canoe)
- Drive to Memphis – see movie “Miss Potter” (life of Beatrix Potter)
- Central High in Little Rock (Black History Month)
- Arkansas River Footbridge
- Camping Petit Jean State Park ***
- Old Mill – North Little Rock
- Pinnacle Mountain (trails & hike) ***
- River Market & Trolleys ***
- Hiking Petit Jean ***
- Scrapbook Day
- Clinton Presidential Library ***
- Private Creek – Fishing with Friends ***
- USS Razorback Submarine ***
- Bike Riding in Burns Park
- 4H Headquarters
- Pick Green Beans & Squash in a friend’s Garden
Up next in the series will be my list on curriculum, learning enrichment ideas, favorite KONOS memories, and photos or links from our favorite unit we did in 2006-7. Check back in here later this week for more homeschool records for third and fourth grades.
Have a super Tuesday!
Thanks for visiting my site. I hope to hear more from you in the future.
Great list of ideas for filed trips. My daughter is in 3rd grade and I admire those who “home-school.” We have a very good school here but it all truly begins at home.