I’m sure many of you have seen this movie, but it makes me cry every time I see it. I was cleaning out my email box and watched it again today. What a better day to see it again than Easter. I can’t express my thanks enough to my God and Christ for the new life He gave to me. New life isn’t just for AFTER you die.
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Buzz Words: Easter, Christianity, Jesus, GodTube, Video, Belief, Religion, Depression, Love, Christian, God, Life, Personal, Faith, Holidays
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I’ve seen that before and I have to agree that it is a wonderful video that truly expresses the love Christ has for each of us. He doesn’t give up….ever.
my blog: http://akhmmm.wordpress.com
That was great. I love your blog! I found you thru the Ultimate Party and wanted to invite you over to my site for a fun contest this week. You could be my lucky winner or my unfortunate loser . . . either way, I hope you laugh a little.
This is really an amazing skit. We had our youth group at church do this one night.It is even more powerful when you see people who you know are struggling with some of these issues (and winning, with God’s help!!!)acting this out. I love the way Jesus never turns His back on the girl in this, just like He never in reality turns away from us.
Tears streaming, goosebumps, heart coursing praise.
We who have been forgiven much, love much.
I remember the darkness of B.C., my life before Christ.
His Grace dazzles me, the rescued one.
Yes, new life NOW.
Thank you, Heather.
You bless.
P.S. Strikingly, I was just thinking on Job 14:14, the literal translation of which reads: “All days of my warfare I wait, till my change come.”
Life on earth is warfare. And Jesus comes to change us, to give us the victory.
God uses you, Heather…
Thank you. I had not seen this before and its powerful.
OH WOW Our Pastor oplayed this video Sunday…I was a blubbering fool when it was over thinking of my 17 yr old son
anyway awesome video!!