We finished up a study of the tabernacle today by building our own model of it while we read the instructions that God gave the Israelites in Exodus. I had been dreading this project because of the supplies I needed to gather and the mess that was sure to break out in my house if I had done it the “KONOS” way. Lately I am a big chicken when it comes to messy projects that are done indoors. Especially since my kids are doing most of the projects on their own now – and as of yet have not become really good at picking up their school messes without me having to badger them constantly.
My friend Tami told me about a PAPER MODEL of the tabernacle that we could cut out and glue or tape together while we read the story. I was sold. It made my week-long project a two hour project and is light, portable, and can be re-used for Sunday School class!
To go along with this project, I highly recommend the devotionals on the following site:
The Tabernacle Place
…And if your kids love a good family read-aloud, click my Vision Forum Affiliate button up there and buy yourself a copy of “For the Temple” by G. A. Henty. My kids and I are loving this book – even Dad likes it!
Not only did we build the groovy paper tabernacle, but we also enjoyed the tabernacle worksheets Tami told us about also. We will probably continue the worksheets for a while as we finish the last few activities for this unit this week. Next up is the States and Regions Unit by KONOS that covers all of the United States and ends in the Civil War. We’ll be doing that for the rest of the school year, most likely. I think we are going to start on that either this week or next after some planning.
By the way, we had a SUPER school day (started with a super prayer to a SUPER GOD). Our new schedule is working great – thanks to the Lord’s help. I even had time to cook a hot lunch and a Mid-Eastern dinner. I hung and put away all my laundry, too.
Here’s hoping tomorrow we can have an even more blessed day. I know that the kids are both really encouraged… they told my mom tonight that this was the best school day this year. Of course, I think they were exaggerating a bit… but I sure like to hear stuff like that. Especially in front of Grandma.
Other Quick Links
3-D Bible Tabernacle Online
Bibleplaces.com Tabernacle Model Photos
Another KONOS Mom tours a tabernacle model with her kids
Printable Tabernacle Sunday School Lesson Plan
Subscribe to Sprittibee by Email
Buzz Words: homeschool, family, parenting, teaching, Bible, children, elementary, KONOS, history, Jewish, Christian
That’s really neat! I’ll have to keep this link in mind for Sunday School.
Last year the boys and I did the Konos (virtual co-op) Tabernacle unit and built it the Konos way. It was an excellent project, but it did tie-up my family room table for a couple of weeks as that’s where we set up our “construction site.”
Because it took so much work (and not a small amount of cash) we still have the Tabernacle stored in our school-room, taking up way too much room, and I don’t know what to do with it!
Your kids’ effort looks like it paid-off – their Tabernacle looks great!
Your tabernacle project looks great! Thank you for this post. I plan on doing this unit next year with the kiddos.
We are currently doing the States and Regions unit. We started it in October. We took off during the holidays and as you can see stretched it out quite a bit. It is long but it gives us lots of wiggle room and plenty of time for bunny trails.
Our blog is http://homeplatefun.blogspot.com
That looks great! Definitely a link to save for future use.
We’ve had a better week here, too. I’ve instituted a very structured schedule and we have gotten a ton done.
That is, until today when I decided I absolutely had to get our taxes done. But we’ll be back at work tomorrow. 🙂
Oh neat! You guys did an awesome job on that! I enjoyed looking at all the photos!
We just did a small talk about the Tabernacle. It was neat to talk about it and see how much I really did learn about it when I was reading my Bible! 😀
Have you heard the song Take Me In? It is really awesome. I have it on my player at the bottom of my blog. Really Really good!
Take care!
Miss Amanda
Awesome! We made the plastic model a few weeks ago. But now I don’t know what to do with it. And it was EXPENSIVE!
I, too, balked at doing it the KONOS way. That was just beyond me this time ’round.
We’re having fun with cathedrals this week. We’re visiting a local cathedral. With 12 children ages 10 and under, 8 of whom are KONOS kids, I told them to forget about the docent. Lol.
Come on over and see what we’re up to:
We did the tabernacle the KONOS way last year about this time. The kids enjoyed it and learned a lot, but it definitely took much longer than one week. It took a lot of time and money. Now it sits in the closet and the kids play with it sometimes.
I love the idea of a paper one, though. Yours looks really neat. Can you fold it up and put it away when you’re done with it?
you do the best stuff with your kiddos!
While you’ve got the tabernacle up, go read through Hebrews! hebrews 8, 9, etc show how the tabernacle was a symbol of salvation! It made both the book of Hebrews (usually pretty obtuse) and the OT more comprehensible to me when I realized this connection!
Great project!!!!!!
Very nice! We were able to tour a replica of the tabernacle last year. It was amazing.
That’s reaaly nat! We did our study last year with Mystery of History and really enjoyed it. Thanks for sharing. Great pics!
Hey, friend…just googled 'printable tabernacle' and found you. *smile* I think we might do this today. Love the study of the tabernacle!
We've just come to the Tabernacle study via Heart of Wisdom and a chronological study of the Bible, but hey! Who cares how we got here, right?
In the end, we made our Tabernacle furniture out of salt dough, and found a good deal on gold and bronze paint from Amazon.
Then the kids used cardboard, toothpicks, paper, and glitter glue (red for the sheeps' blood, blue for the water in the bowl, and gold on the ark).
The results were remarkable.