I got my ‘little bit of perspective’ that I was after this weekend… although I didn’t stay at home like I originally was planning. Sometimes God changes our plans for the better. We got out instead – as a family – and tackled some issues (like that carpet stain) together.
God is good. Amazing what some ‘togetherness’, a good view, a Rug Doctor, a nice bank manager that refunds you some bank fees, and some time out in the sunshine taking photos can do to lift my spirits.
See you tomorrow evening! Hopefully I’ll be able to say that we had a super ‘first day of the rest of our school year’!
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Buzz Words: Texas, family, parenting, personal, life, relationships, Hill Country, Austin, Beautiful, Photos, Christian
Hey, the top picture, the one with K&M; , is absolutely awesome, it brought tears in my eyes. It is one of those that K. will cherish forever, simply wonderful.
I have a similar of me and my Dad, taken many, many (many) years ago, and I have one with I and F as well.
Perspective is right, there are things that will come and pass, and there are things that will stay forever. Bank charges ? Stained Carpet ? A father-daughter moment like in the in the picture ? Enough said… The Gs, from faraway land send you all a big bear hug and promise to be back soon, just few weeks away. (It’s about time to come home, fire up the BBQ cooker)
You rock, guys !
🙂 Yeah – Frankie took one for me of Kev and M in AR going up the mountain and I love that one. It is on my Lounge Slideshow. You guys are on it, too!
I need to get a shot with Kaden and him like that.
I know it is prettier where you are, but there are some nice views here, too. We hope that you guys will go and explore some of this great land with us when you get back home. We are counting the days.
BBQ, breakfast tacos, and Chipotle are soon to be had!
We love you,
It must be in the air – I was desperately feeling the need to get out of the house and be in nature yesterday. Hubby was gone to the men’s retreat so the boys & I got up and went to a local park (huge open space, not like a playground). We were way up top at the Grandview Overlook, from where you can see much of the city, and it was just beautiful and peaceful and wonderful.
We walked on a trail for a bit, then turned up the hill, and I somehow managed to wrench my back. When we got to the van, I could hardly move. So we sat there for a little bit, me nearly in tears, while my son said maybe I should call Grandma & Grandpa to come drive us home. I did manage to get home, but am still rather stiff. I know if I move wrong, I’ll be very sorry.
I’m glad your day turned out so well. It sounds like the day I was hoping for! 😀
Glad you had such a great day.. I love all the pictures they are beautiful
Beautiful pic! I love flowers and nature.
So the carpet is cleaned?! Yay!!
*sigh* Texas!!! Thanks for the comfort.
I hope you’re feeling better. God bless you.
those are some great pics and a great perspective. glad you got some rest time.
So true. God is the ultimate planner. We may write down so many things in our calendars, but only He knows what is best. And then we shift perspectives. 🙂
Thank you for posting such beautiful photos to bless me today. Lovely!
It’s been a while, long while since I have visited.
Your pics are looking real nice