Not much else beats browsing an art museum, listening to the chirping birds, and basking in a garden. Art museums are my favorite. In fact, with field trips, I find it hard to pick favorites, so they all become my favorites. Field trips are like homeschool dessert. Such a treat. This field trip was in November of 2006 during our ’06-’07 School Year. The kids were 7 and 9. Boy, time flies!
This particular field trip was full of colorful surprises and strange sights. I won’t ruin the trip for you by telling you about ALL the artwork. I have only taken a couple of photos because you really shouldn’t take pictures while inside. Not only did I take few pictures, but I had forgotten my flash-card at home, so the quality of the photos was minimal at best.
In the modern art area, we did see a Picasso and a Monet. Morgan loves Monet but the photo of the kids in front of the picture was without flash and too dim to display here. I did capture the Picasso… but I doubt it was the “real deal”. If I remember correctly, I think they also had a Rembrandt. The children enjoyed the strange teapot robot and the man sticking out of the wall with his animated shadow.
We saw one piece of “art” that was a torn sheet of newspaper that had been framed. On it was a blue splat of ink. Nothing else. The kids laughed about how they could come up with art better than that! I guess beauty really is in the ‘eye of the beholder’. I’m quite sure I would have tossed that out and hung up my children’s artwork instead.
Going to an art museum always fuels my fire to get back in to art at home. Usually we pull out the supplies and do extra artwork if we have been on a dry spell for a while. Visiting an art museum may be the trick you need to inspire your homeschool clan to create a masterpiece! You can talk about the different techniques that the artists used on each painting… about how the painting makes you feel… about what shapes and angles you see… about implied lines and the color temperature of the piece… even about what paintings are ones that your kids would consider hanging in their rooms!
An added plus to a museum is that they usually are a package deal. Not only do you get to see the inside, but most of the time the outside is also an attraction. This particular museum had a nice fountain and an enclosed garden with a few interesting outdoor sculptures. Morgan found a beautiful cottonwood leaf to take home and draw (in her hand above). The museum was within walking distance to a park and was close to downtown Little Rock. Best of all, the field trip was FREE.
Be sure to leave me a note in the comments section if you have a link to a museum trip of your own!
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Looks like a great field trip.
That looks like a great field trip. You obviously all had a great time.