About time that I get back to my series, right? We were studying about ears, sound, and music during 2nd and 3rd grades in 2006-7. My mom, the piano teacher was living a state away, so we decided to go to a guitar shop instead. For some reason we couldn’t get it together to go to the orchestra, so we just listened to a ton of classical music instead. Our favorites were Mozart, Beethoven, and Handel. We read an awesome book about Mozart’s childhood (older chapter book) and read an interesting book about the life and times of Vivaldi. It was fun to classify music according to the period it was created in.
The kids also enjoyed learning about blues and jazz. We found some neat links online that you can check out by visiting my post about ears, sound, music, and the 5 senses (in the Quick Links below). The PBS link had a lot of interactive items and a neat timeline that included slave music in U.S. history if I remember correctly.
These photos were taken in Jacksonville, Arkansas at a guitar shop where we got to visit with a guitar player, learn about chords, see all the awesome string and electric guitars, see a huge collection of antique instruments and toy guitars (very fun!), and actually play with some instruments! The red violin was one of my favorites. We enjoyed our “guide” who played some music for us on an electric guitar and told us about how he came to love and learn guitar music.
Even if you don’t plan to learn how to play guitar, it is a fun experience to get to sit up close with a musician and listen to the various styles of guitar music. All in all this was a fun field trip that I would highly recommend if you have a guitar shop near you. Even better – take some guitar lessons and learn to play for yourself!
Quick Links
Ear, Sound, Music & Senses Links
Field Trip Foto Friday: Audiologist (Ear Doctor)
Sprittibee’s Homeschool Series Links
Great field trip.
I was just planning a trip today (in my mind) to the local Doggy Day Care. Now wouldn’t that be fun? Part of the Responsibility unit, I’d imagine.
It should be noted you can find quite a bit of jazz at Crossword Bebop…
I’ve been going over old posts, and ran across a link here. Hope all is well with you and yours…
Hey! I have a blog about learning to play the guitar and I just wanted to let you know. Your site is awesome btw! here is the link for my blog….http://guitarheropowner.blogspot.com/