These are some of the photos from Day 4 of our extended Robotics “field trip” that we took from Texas to Michigan and back. I know it is late in coming, but I figured I would dish it out on a Friday when I’m supposed to be doing “Field Trip Foto Friday” anyway. If you notice, I actually took a photo of a cute SUBWAY on our trip as we passed by. Little did I know that Subway would soon be in ‘homeschool headlines’. Gotta laugh at that!
We woke up on Sunday morning after a long sleep in a hotel in Michigan (which was badly needed after only 2 hours rest the previous night)… and we hopped in the car to go check out Detroit before leaving town. We got stuck on the Ohio Turnpike, met some nice people who gave us a church hymn CD and let us take their photo (not included here), stopped along the way for photos of barns… cemeteries… flowers… and whatever else struck our fancy. I got one shot of a union soldier statue (something you DON’T see in the SOUTH), but when I tried putting it on this collage, his head kept getting chopped off. I even took one of myself in the side mirror (which my husband promptly called me a DORK for once I got home). Hey – you do strange things when you are in a car for seven days. So sue me.
We passed through Ohio and in to Indiana amidst the sea of farms and barns and arrived hungry for dinner. Tomorrow I’ll share with you our wonderful first night at the Dixon’s house and show you what beautiful Amanda made us to eat! Country girls really know how to treat a guest with home-cooked hospitality!
Have a super weekend.
Quick Links
Trip Dashboard
Day 1 of our Robofest Trip (Texarkana)
Burritos for Peace Program
Day 2 of our Robofest Trip (White Line Fever)
Day 2 & 3 of our Robofest Trip (Down Home on the Farm)
Day 2 of our Robofest Trip (too many states for 1 day)
Day 2 of our Robofest Trip (LaGrange, KY)
Day 3 of our Robofest Trip (Robot Competitions)
Day 4 of our Robofest Trip (Swap Present Pick-up)
Day 3 & 4 of our Robofest Trip (Texan in Detroit)
Aww gee thanks! I am glad you enjoyed the meal. I must say it was pretty good! 😉
Hope to see you soon! HUGS!