I have had the bountiful privilege of meeting the heroine of this post: Jocelyn Dixon. Some of you might know she had her 17th birthday today from the post at HSBA. Many in the blogosphere have been wishing her well. It is easy to see why she’s getting so much attention. She is as beautiful on the inside as she is on the out. Her family is blessed and her friends are twice blessed – for the one has her loyalty and the other has loyalty given not by duty but by choice.
Every time I saw her on my short stay in Indiana she was busy helping out. Carrying the baby, cleaning up, finding shoes, quietly helping her family as a young lady should. She writes with passion and wit, but she is silently observant and shy when you meet her. Her eyes sparkle a welcome, but her humble heart would rather listen and share a smile with you than take any glory. What a wonderful mother and charming wife she will make one day!
I may be a little late at 11:59PM to wish her a happy birthday today as she turns 17, but I wanted to let her know that she has truly impressed me… first when I read her blog and then in person when we met. I pray that she will be truly happy and blessed in all her days… and that wherever she goes, she will be led by the Lord.
…in the heart of every true Christian parent there glows an ideal of very fair beauty of character and nobleness of soul, which he wants to see his child attain. It is a vision of the most exalted life, lovelier than that which fills the thought of any sculptor as he stands before his marble and begins to hew at the block; fairer than that which rises in the poet’s soul as he bows in ecstatic fervor over his page and seeks to describe his dream. Every true, godly parent dreams of the most perfect manhood and womanhood for his children. He wants to see them grow up into Christlikeness, spotless in purity, rich in all the graces with character fully developed and rounded out in symmetrical beauty, shining in this world, but shining more and more unto the perfect day…
~ J.R. Miller, “Home-Making”
I pray that you continue to shine, Jocelyn! You are a glistening jewel in your father and mother’s crown.
Happy birthday, sweet Jocelyn! You are a beautiful lady.
In Him,
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Buzz Words: homeschool, friend, parenting, birthday, Christian, children, Jesus, tribute, personal, happy
Oh my, you made me cry. What a beautiful tribute!
Thank you Heather. This means more than you can know, and we are so blessed to have met you and yours!
I may have to come back later and comment again when I am not so speechless. I believe and agree with every word of it. I am glad it shines through, who she really is in her heart.
I am blessed beyond measure to be the Momma of so many wonderful children just like her.
Thank you my friend! I love you!
A sweet tribute to a sweet girl. 🙂
Dearest Sprittibee,
Nothing I can type in this comment will express what I think or feel about your post. It definitely touch my heart.
I just told my friend today that I can’t really explain the close-feeling i have to some people, like you, who don’t live close or I only know online. It is God who has brought us together and given us this bond of fellowship, which is why it’s so unexplainable.
I am so thankful for your friendship and for your love. It’s been a real blessings to know you. You don’t know how utterly encouraging it is to me to read what you wrote. Thank you. I will treasure it forever.
Love you!
She and my daughter are just 3 days a part. Her mom and I were pregnant and miserable at the same time. LOL
Oh my goodness! This was so sweet! Jocelyn is pretty awesome. I sure am blessed to have a mom like my mom and a sister like Jocelyn!
Thank you for doing this for her!
HUGS! Miss you!