I’ve been rather reflective lately. Almost driven to poetry! Makes me want to give up on regular blogging and just photo-blog for a while. Don’t worry – I won’t. But I can’t say I haven’t contemplated it lately. I just passed my third anniversary of the beginning of my blogging habit… June 8th. Lots to think about and remember…
2) Characterized by or given to meditation or contemplation; thoughtful.
When summer comes, I tend to think of all the projects that I couldn’t get to during the school year. Loose ends. Piles. Things in boxes and behind closet doors. The white walls whining for bright colors. New hobbies put aside for later. Books collecting dust on shelves. New recipes. The produce growing under steaming Texas soil… needing to be watered.
It is so hard to school and blog in the summer! But we press on.
We had our little taste of summer vacation last week. It was a much-needed break filled with busy activity. So today was our Getting in Gear day… a working Monday to clean up the mess from last week’s vacation from the school books. We found little tippy cups, little finger prints, rotten berries, cowboy boots under the couch, watermelon chunks on the patio. Reminders of all the fun we had with friends. Now the carpet is vacuumed, the laundry is in a pile waiting to be folded, and the sink is shining. I cleaned up paperwork and made my calendar and to-do list for the last part of June. The kids helped grade papers. We ate up the leftovers for dinner.
Tomorrow we have an appointment with the dentist to see about getting something done to Kaden’s cracked tooth. Maybe we’ll stop in and visit friends along the way. Wednesday we go to co-op and eat New York Coney Island Chili Dogs and make Dutch Hex art. And teach Wednesday night Bible class…
Life keeps rolling on. I’m listening to the soft messages of my Savior… in all the lessons and books I have read… the words from friends in passing… I hear the Lord telling me to savor and cherish these times. To seek Him out and pray for His fruits of the Spirit – to let them guide each of my moments as I endeavor to parent the children and raise them up in Him.
So I’m reflecting on all that is lovely, hand-made, holy, good. Things that come from the soul. The gifts of the Lord. The bounty of the earth. The inspiration of creation.
Philippians 4:8 ~ Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.
I hope you can forgive my irregular posting. I hope you are enjoying your warm summer – wherever you are.
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Buzz Words: Personal, Pictures, Summer, Flickr, Reflective, Life, Homeschool Mom, Faith, Family, Photos, Random, Blogging
I think a lot of us go through that, the busyness of summer slowing down our blogging. Trust me, we are in the same funk right now.
Have a great summer!!
I think we’ll see a lot of this over the summer in the mom blog world. It’s okay to relax, enjoy the season, be outdoors, and not blog every single day. It’s your blog, and you can do (or not do) what you want.
If someone’s mad about it – too bad for them. They need to get over it and move on. In the meantime, ENJOY your summer, your time, your kids, your hubby, and our Lord!! Have fun, sweetie!
dianne 😀
(((Hugs))) I think of you everyday even if I don’t get a chance to reply. My summer is going by way too fast and it’s just begun. I’m going to set my alarm for tomorrow and get up extra early so I can catch up a bit. I also had a tooth BREAK this afternoon so I have a walk in at the dentist at 7:30am. :O( I’ll need a crown and am Praying God shows me how He plans to get that for me. Our insurance won’t cover it. 😛
My little Gina is begging for a picnic day. Wish you could join us!