Sunday… and I’m feelin’ good. I just wanted to let you non-tweeting blog readers out there know about the details from last Wednesday’s OBGYN visit. I emailed a few friends and family members and put the stats out on twitter, but haven’t had time to sit down for a ‘brain dump’ blog post (and I’m not a real big fan of ‘brain dump’ blog posts anyway). However, I’ve been asked by a few of you what the due date is… so I thought I would clue you in:
Baby is supposedly due April 1st! Yes, it figures… April Fools Day.
And the good thing is, I feel much better after making it past week 6 without any issues to speak of other than a healthy dose of mild morning sickness that comes and goes between meals. By the way, if any of you out there have milder morning sickness – those B-6 candies really do help! I’ve been using Bnatal pops and they help me to get down dinner after my tummy goes on revolt. So far I haven’t had to miss a meal – but I can’t say as much for the sweets. Somehow, chocolate has become my enemy (stranger than science fiction, I know! I know!).
I turned down a brownie tonight. Instead, I had 3 beets and 3 chunks of watermelon. And I realllly wanted that brownie. It sat there on my plate all through dinner. I was psyching myself up to just EAT IT. But when the plate was empty except for the brownie… I just couldn’t put it in my mouth. So I stared at it instead. And then handed it over to my husband (who can eat multiple brownies and didn’t really feel sorry for me).
The other thing that was really super about the doctor visit was that I had a sonogram (because I had no idea how pregnant I really was). It was thrilling to see a tiny heartbeat… and I’m relieved to know that there’s only ONE baby bumble bee in there. Even if this one is making mommy a lot more tired than I ever imagined possible.
I’m trying to keep the posts flowing in between naps.
So while I’m getting my baby and beauty rest, please stop over and visit these interesting news stories that were emailed to me this week:
Randy Pausch’s Last Lecture (About Death and Cancer – and Life) (this is a must-see – even for kids!)
Homeschoolers warned to stay vigilant despite California victory (Praise the Lord for a homeschool victory)
American Father of former Olympian killed in Beijing, Mother wounded (please pray for this family)
Nation’s deadliest bus accident since 2004 in Sherman, Texas (16 dead) (please pray for these Christians!)
Ultimate 2008 Homeschool Field Trip to Disney (are you going?)
The Church of Oprah? (whattt?)
I’ll have a huge link post coming up soon. I’m trying to clean out my insanely full email box and bring you all those school-related and fun links that I’ve been saving for the past 6 months. After my inbox went well past 1,000 emails, I began to panic… and the link list that I’ll be posting later this week is the result. Hopefully you’ll be able to find some goodies you don’t have in the stack. If nothing else, at least I’ll be able to find them and use them finally!
Have a super week, bloggies!
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Buzz Words: personal, update, pregnant, baby, mommy blogging, morning sickness, maternity, life, links, OBGYN, due date, kids, family, pregnancy, mommy, motherhood, stuff, napping, health, tired, parenting, chocolate
I haven’t stopped by in a while, but I heard you were doing the homeschool carnival soon. I’m so very pleased to hear you are expecting and my prayers will be with you. So… late March or early April? Yay! :]
I actually have a brother born on April Fool’s. It is rather fitting for him. I was due with my son on Labor Day. That was fitting, too. LOL
Congratulations, again. I truly am excited for you.
What wonderful news! I’ve been praying that your appt. would go well since reading your post last week. It might be a while before you can eat brownies, though….guess you’ll just have to party on with the beets :0
My cousin was an April Fool’s baby.
My youngest was actually due on tax day – April 15th. But then after an ultrasound, we found out he was due much sooner – March 14th! So no tax associations for him.
Congrats sweetie! I’m so excited for you.
LOL! JUST EAT IT. Heheeeeee… just kidding. You need healthy food, and unless it was dark chocolate, it wasn’t healthy.
Keep eatin’ your veggies and takin’ them vitamins. 
Love ya!
I just couldn’t be happier for you, Heather. God is good, good, good.
Can’t stop smiling…
Offering you my belated congratulations!
I’ve been praying for you since I read this post.