I was so encouraged by this Catholic video that I cried. Being nearly 16 weeks pregnant makes this so much more vivid to me. I’m not a Catholic. However, I believe that we serve the SAME God and that we all must stand accountable to Him in the end. I pray and hope that Catholics and Protestants will join hands in a resounding message of unity this November. If only we can stop straining gnats so we can see to the bottom of the real issues. The TRUTH is worth defending. Morality is worth defending. Don’t vote this year for anything less than the ISSUES. This is the most crucial election I have ever been alive to witness. America will change after this vote. It will change for the better or the worse. It is up to us to choose LIFE.
Deuteronomy 30:19-20 ~ This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live and that you may love the LORD your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him. For the LORD is your life, and he will give you many years in the land he swore to give to your fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
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Buzz Words: elections, family, conservative, abortion, vote, life, America, Catholic, issues, 2008, 2008, change, faith, voting, prolife, Christianity, families, pregnancy, opinion
Wow. Makes one think, that’s for sure. Let’s hope that enough people WILL THINK, and make the right decision at the polls.
Thank you for sharing this moving video. It’s true – there is so much at stake in this election. I’m linking over to this post.
Praying that truth and life prevail in November.
“stop straining gnats…” well said!
Girlfriend…that was AWESOME…and you couldn’t have said it better…we all answer to the SAME God, regardless of the name over those church doors. It is about time that the Christians…Catholic or Protestant, stand up for faith, family and life….it’s good to see this put out there…enough of the complacency…let us rise to the challenge…
I was moved to tears as well….
thank YOU for sharing this with a good ol’ Catholic girl who hadn’t seen it yet;)
I’m not catholic or pregnant and I almost cried too. Thanks for sharing.
Very powerful. Thank you for sharing it. I’ve embedded it in my blog now as well.