I’m off to TAKE a bunch of photos over the next week or so, and wanted to leave you with this super idea (posted over at the Homeschool Post). I shared the ‘Wall of Inspiration’ idea on my Foto Friday post over there. If you have been following my blog since this past summer, you’ll know that we redecorated our school room and used this idea in July. I’m LOVING the photo-line over my desk that I enjoy changing out and looking at … even when the PC is OFF (which is rare around here).
I’ll be traveling and field tripping today (should I ever manage to get my sicky self in to bed for some rest). Don’t worry, though… I’ll have plenty of internet access where I’m going (and lots of time to blog and RELAX). Let’s just hope that hunny doesn’t catch what the kids and I have over Thanksgiving holidays! My mom was coming down with it tonight, poor thing. She’s been helping with house work and taking care of us and now she’s got a scratchy throat.
Have a super weekend! Be sure to follow the link to the Homeschool Post and leave some linky love: we want to see your flickr photostream to be inspired by your photos!
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Buzz Words: home decorating, project, home, photography, flickr, decorating, photos, home decor, inspiration, colorful, design, home office, walls, house, school room, life, personal, pictures, memories, happy
Awesome room! I read the post at HSBA first and came here to comment.
Love your colors…Pictures are my life! I am a photographer…so they are everywhere, I have a Flickr account but don’t use it like others do…it’s just a tool. I use other methods…
My website is http://www.shotsfromtheheart.net
my family is inter-mingled on there!
That looks really great. I like the colors. They make for a very cheery room.