* upset that I slept in and missed church today. guess i shouldn’t have stayed up until nearly 1am last night on my computer. couldn’t be helped – i missed it in the 8 days we were gone.
* excited to start on a new blog design soon. don’t ask me how i’m going to get it done. i think it is going to require a bit of a miracle and maybe a bribe to someone that knows more about web design than i do. i drew it out on paper last night.
* renting a carpet cleaner today. two cats alone for nearly 8 straight days is not good for builder-grade carpet. to say the least. especially when we changed their food brand before we left. ick.
* glad that i can breathe through my nose again – being sick for two weeks and stuck in Houston for 8 days with a humidity level of 485 was awful. now that i can breathe again, Kevin is sneezing. we just can’t live together in the same city. what a pity.
* going to wipe all the computers clean in the house this week – starting today. time to restore full operating speed and delete any bugs we’ve picked up over the past year. i love it when my computer is at top speed and totally fresh. thank Jesus for extra desktop backup drives! makes the process so much easier.
* on my way out the door to go get a breakfast taco. nuff said. the rest of the day just has to be good from that point on. bacony goodness and pico de gallo are from heaven.
* downloading pictures… to come later. no time for frilly stuff before breakfast.
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Buzz Words: computer, harddrive, data, vacation, home, personal, life, random, me, pets, blogging
I MISSED it too….
We ALL came home with colds from the NORTH…I thought the cold KILLED that stuff…
It’s great to see you back!!
Climbing the laundry mountain!:)
Maybe you should try Colorado? Maybe you could both breathe here . . . well, eventually. The air’s much thinner here. 😀