I think I’ve mentioned that I’m addicted to flickr and photography. I see you nodding your head and rolling your eyes….
Well, the Homeschool Post had another one of those meme thingies… and they were asking me to list a bunch of favorite sites and all that jazz. I’d rather list favorite THINGS (through photography, of course).
So here are some of my favorites:
1. the color orange (and lizards)…. Lula by m4de
2. photography…. Bieka, A Very Old Camera by Fernando Delfini
3. homeschooling…. Jaymi – Learning by CrzysChick
4. breakfast tacos…. Migas breakfast taco by Homesick Texan
5. my kids…. spectators by SprittiBee
6. Jesus…. concepcion-jesus by SprittiBee
7. poppies… Poppies by SprittiBee
8. cats… Video on Flickr? I SAY NO! by by fofurasfelinas
9. cuteness… Reminder to self: Slow Down on the Caffeine by Flipped Out
10. spicy foods… chilli flower by omnia
11. blogging… workspace1 by OK Creative
12. being held by my beloved… Déclaration d’Amour by Telzey
Yep. Those are some wonderful things that make my heart go pitter-patter. You can make your own flickr mosaic, too – it doesn’t require a lot of talent… just some time. It’s fun.
… and to play fair with the other Homeschool Post memers, here are some links:
My Blog Index (all my posts sorted by topic) – you can find out a lot of stuff I like in there, I’m sure
My Big Fat Homeschool Link List
My Nature Links and Photos – and poetry, and quotes…
As for favorite blogs… there are plenty to pick from in my sidebars… life is too short to list’em all.
I’m enjoying all this sicky free time catching up on blogging and surfing (although I’ve spent a record amount of time in flickr today – even for me). Hope you are enjoying your weekend.
Signing off to go get another cough drop…

Um I wish you hadn’t posted this! Because now this photography nut has one more thing she wants to figure out how to do.
I so wish you lived in GA. I would have to come see you!
I love your mosaic!
Happy 500!