I painted this cat when I was in my tween years. We had a stray that I named ‘Soda Pop’ that eventually ran away after leaving us with a litter of kittens. I always thought of this little painting as ‘junk’, but my son loves it. He keeps it on his wall above his desk in his room. Beauty is truly in the ‘eye of the beholder’. You just never know what someone else will love – something you paint, something you make or even just your smile. Life is beautiful. That’s something to be thankful about this week.
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Buzz Words: art, cats, beauty, blessings, Thanksgiving, personal, painting, illustration, life, pets, memories
What a fun painting. And how cool that your little man likes it so much. 😀
I wish I could paint anything that resembled this, it is not “junk”, you’re little guy has a good eye!
Check out my WW post at:
Happy WW and Happy Thanksgiving!
WOW! That is beautiful!~ You should paint more now..
Pretty darn impressive! (pun intended)
I have a HUGE painting of grapes that my mother painted. She was an art major. It’s really not lovely. But my mom painted it and I love it.
I think it is beautiful and what a treasure to pass to your son!
A magical WW to you!
How delightful.
Happy WW
Is that a calico cat? It’s cute! You should turn it into a postcard and sell it on Etsy! 🙂
What a great blog page! I am new to blogging and would love to share ideas with you. I am an elementary art teacher in Truth or consequence New mexico. I would love to set up a site sharing the words of Jesus and giving free art advice like you are. God bless you!
Kim Artman