Fall in December? Yep – in Texas, it’s still fall. I think it is more of a difficulty at this time of year than any other for me to stay focused on school. I heart cold weather (Texas cold, that is), rustling leaves, cool breezes, sunny autumn colors, long shadows and sweaters. I see the sunlight streaming in from the blinds and it beckons me to the window. The fall leaves don’t have to whisper in warm colors for very long before I’m conspiring a plan to get us all outdoors.
So since we are stuck indoors today – trying to get our suitcases unpacked, our house cleaned up, and our schooling back in session… I figured I’d share a few morsels of autumn with you from this past vacation week. I forgot to add the colors of fall to my ‘thankful’ list…
I’m planning to simplify my school room… get rid of the piles of paperwork everywhere, and get out the Christmas decorations soon. I get sad when I have to move on to Christmas so quickly after Thanksgiving. Being in Texas, we just started to enjoy the leaf-show in the past week or so. However, that rotting pumpkin by the door step needs to definitely find another home; most likely in the trash can. Amazingly, when I got home, my mom had picked a bucket full of tomatoes from my garden. That tells you a little of how mild the seasons are here. So far this year we have had one mild freeze – for one night. I think that’s what started the trees in this latest display.
Maybe I can take the kids to the river for a nature walk in the next few days and get some shots. I’m hoping to add a few fall entries in their nature journals. Since we’ll be starting up with Charlotte Mason and hopefully doing more nature in our curriculum, I think we’ll be starting our very own nature blog, too. Maybe. If we can find the time. It has been a back-burner project of mine for a while now, and yet hasn’t materialized. We’ll see.
In the mean time, I hope you are enjoying fall – or winter – in your little corner of the net.
Let me know what some December traditions are for your family. Are you a ‘taking-December-off’ kind of homeschool family? We’ve done that before… but this year we’ll be taking most of March instead with the arrival of our new bumble-bee.
Hopefully I can stay focused in the weeks that follow, despite the pretty leaves and inviting weather outside… and get back into a schoolish groove.
In Him,
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Buzz Words: homeschoolers, autumn, fall, children, parenting, mommy, photos, family, leaves, colors, homeschool, SAHM, Texas, nature, outdoors, life, personal, pictures, memories, smiles
My favorite is the shoes!
Very Nice
sigh – I love fall!
I love the colder weather….actually I miss it! It doesn’t get really cold on the Gulf Coast! However, when we do have a cold snap, I cherish wearing my sweatshirt and feeling the old air on my face! 🙂
In the past, we’ve taken it easy in December. However, with the move this year, and a lot going on the past couple of weeks, we need to work pretty much up until Christmas. Probably take a week off, then back to work after the 1st.
We had some pretty good snow on Thanksgiving and over the weekend. One day, we got about 4″. Fall is definitely long gone around here. I like autumn, but am not thrilled about the cold of winter. I used to like it more. I also used to not get as cold. Not sure what happened there.
Great shots, Heather – I always LOVE fall leaves. 😀
Hello Mrs. Sprittibee –
I saw the two comments you left on my giveaway post. Glad you entered! I’ll enter you twice for tweeting about it.
Those photos are beautiful. Morgan and Kaden and the other kids are so cute!
We have snow here in IN… Not very good for doing chores in! But the kids have been having fun in it. 🙂
Hope you get everything back into your schedule.
love and blessings to all at the S. household!