Lying in bed with your feet up to prevent swelling SEEMS like a great idea – on the surface. Sounds almost relaxing, doesn’t it? But while my feet may feel and look somewhat better, my house and my family are in a state of domestic neglect. Today was awful. Did I say today was awful? Really awful.
The arguments – children left to themselves. Not good.
The mess – you do not want to see my house.
The foodlessness – unless you want to call McDonald’s and cereal for dinner meals.
The undone work – piles and piles of it everywhere.
Nanny-Teacher-Cook-Maid-Secretary wanted. Typing and Ghost writing/blogging skills a plus. No experience necessary with previous children – mine will break you in. Pay is non-existent. Hours are 24/7. Benefits? I’ll be your bestest friend.
Maybe I can get back to my desk tomorrow. Either that or these nails are going to have to go (like my sanity if I’m still in bed tomorrow). Laptop keyboards and long finger-nails don’t mix.
In the mean time – while I’m having my bowl of cereal for dinner, please apply for the position in my comments section.
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Buzz Words: help, chaos, parenting, life, getting things done, whining, random, motherhood, family, mommy, bedrest
Awww, Heather! Wish I lived close enough to give you a hand.
It’s not easy, but these days will pass and everyone will survive…trust me…I’ve been there, done that for most of my mothering years. And gosh, I still have my sanity…I think! LOL!
Tammy ~@~
You’re so funny! 🙂 I LOVE cereal for dinner…and lunch.
I would apply but my current position refuses to let me go. I have 4 little people that insist I stay with this job. Not to mention my boss (dh) would not give a good letter of recommendation if I quit my current position.. lol
Seriously though, hang in there.
Experienced homeschool mom (11 years with KONOS!) with teen children who don’t need her as much. Would love to come and spoil you rotten, teach your kids, attack the laundry, and cook a gourmet meal. Knows how to brew a mean cup of tea and set up PERFECT nap conditions for pregnant Mommies (darkened room, white noise and/or ear plugs, comfy quilt).
Teen daughter and pre-teen daughter would also be tremendous help. Son is almost 20 and has his own job and school.
Not into baking so much unless you count opening a package and setting it on a cookie sheet.
I don’t do windows.
I had to do the same thing when I was pregnant with my daughter. My son was 17 months old. I didn’t keep my feet up as much as I needed to.
I wish I lived closer, I’d come and help you out. The pay is the same that I’m getting now!