All these shots were at my husband’s buddy’s baby shower the other day.
I think it is an excellent gift idea for the holidays if you have a little photographic talent – to offer to take pictures for your friends and give them a CD.
You can also plan through the year to take good shots of your family and friends (especially their kids) and then blow them up and frame them as gifts on the holidays. Pictures are one thing that no one minds getting.
No one can resist a smile.
So get out there and take some pictures. Share them with the ones you love! We have a serious lack of photographs ever since digital cameras replaced film. And that is just a crying shame, people. A crying shame. Pictures make people feel all warm and fuzzy. That’s what the holidays need more of: smiles, photos, warm fuzzies.
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Buzz Words: fun, gifts, kids, holidays, portraits, life, gift+ideas, friends, children, family, photography, pictures, digital cameras
WOW. You take BEAUTIFUL pictures! The joys of owning a DSLR!
It’s on my list.
You have more than a LITTLE talent, girl! Sheesh! Gorgeous.
Beautiful shots, my friend! They turned out so nice. You definitely need to print and frame some!
I was also thinking about photo CDs for holiday gifts and adding in gift card for somewhere to get prints – Target, Snapfish, Shutterfly, etc.
I’m excited to at long last have a D-SLR, now I just need to squeeze out more time to learn about it and use it. 😀
Lovely photos! They all came out very nice! Precious children! 🙂
ADORABLE! You take great photos too!Happy WW!
You’ve got quite a talent for capturing good portrait shots! Happy WW…
So–you run a photography business on the side? 🙂
Really beautiful pictures! For me personally I have a lot more picture taking just not as many prints!
A magical WW to you!
These are GREAT pics You can come take pics of my family any time you like! LOL!
Scrappymom – 🙂 Thanks! Yes DSLR is a whole new world. Couldn’t go back.
Sarah – Awww, shucks. Don’t give me a big fat head to match my big fat pregnant belly.
Dianne – You are too modest. I’d love to spend money on gifting this year, however we are using our meager sum just to get from point A to point B (to see the inlaws). I do want to frame some shots, but the fishing line over my desk has helped satisfy the need for photos for the mean time. 🙂 I’ve been drooling over everyone’s Christmas photos, though. Seems like Snapfish is the favorite this year!
Tiany – Thanks!
Yen – Thank you! Wish I could take credit for the kids… they aren’t all mine. 🙂
June – Thank you! Happy WW to you, too.
MBR – I’ll sell you some shots any time! For cheap!
Amy – 🙂 Gracias. I agree. I take a TON of shots. The ratio varies, but on a good shoot, I get about 8 good shots out of 80. On a difficult shoot (poor conditions/action/lighting issues), I get about 8-10 out of 200. Highest quality shots, I mean, of course. 😉 I call them “keepers”.
Robyn – 🙂 Yeah, I have a bunch of friends and family that make sure to ask me if I have my camera when we are out and about. 😉 I don’t mind giving away photos – but one day I hope to be able to make money at it. Especially in these days when the economy is so tight. I’ve been thinking about starting up a small business doing photos on the side to help out. Living on one income is really tough right now.
Those pictures are awesome, FG is SO jealous, she wants a (better) camera, HELP ! ($$$)!!
The kids are so sweet, why do they have to grow up ?
Has your garden survived the frost ?