I entered this photo over at the Homeschool Post’s A B See Photo Meme. Kind of lame to just photograph a book, but this isn’t just any-old-book. I told the brief story of how I went in to the local Christian book store and found this little purse-sized Bible (with a BEE on the cover – that’s made of Italian leather, mind you…) for less than five dollars! Not every day that you find EXACTLY what you want with just a sideways glance down an aisle you haven’t even fully turned down yet. The bee seemed to be just waiting for me on that shelf… and the price was way below what I could have ever imagined a nice Bible like that to sell for. What a treasure!
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Buzz Words: photography, alphabet, faith, personal, reading, bible, thrifty, meme, Homeschool Post, bee, God, B
I am in love with your Bible. I sooooo want one. My Dh is a Navy Seabee (currently deployed) and I look for anything I can find with a bee on it.
Wow! That’s a good deal. We got our daughter one with a lady bug for about $10 @ walmart. I love how soft the cover is.
That is such a cool Bible cover!! How entirely providential that you found it. Hooray, God! 😀