Imagine a world without used books, Handmade goods, small businesses that make quality products, even stuff on Ebay and Craig’s List? If you do your research regarding CPSIA, you’ll find that this seemingly good law that seeks to stop bad chemicals from harming American children is actually going to change the way we live DRASTICALLY. I don’t know about you, but I buy lots of used books on Ebay, at library sales, and even get them donated to me by friends. I also love hand made goods – give aways on blogs – and small businesses who won’t be able to afford the extreme fees for CPSIA product testing and certifications.
No homeschooler will be unaffected by this law. Don’t kid yourself.
Do some research. Read about it. Watch this funny video by SNL. This is a big, big deal, folks. Imagine all those little businesses going OUT of business. Can’t be helpful for our already lagging economy.
They want to prevent you from buying or even being given used books. What would become of all those lonely used books? The thought makes me shiver. Maybe they would end up in places like this abandoned warehouse.
I’m sharing a link to a petition that you can sign, and I highly suggest that you contact your senators. This law will go in to effect as is in early February if we sit back and do nothing. Hardly a senator didn’t sign it – it is already speeding it’s way to the president’s desk. Barak’s political platform comparison said, “Barack Obama believes free, quality public education is the heart of the American promise”. Will his first few acts in the driver’s seat also include making it harder on homeschoolers and homemakers… small businesses and resellers? I guess we’ll see.
I hope that this new ‘safety’ law is not the first step towards Fahrenheit 451.
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Buzz Words: government, politics, freedom, homeschooling, handmade, resale, education, small+business, parenting, economy, mommy blogs, kids, books, children, ebay, Craig’s List, America, opinion
Those pictures of the warehouse make me sick to my stomach.
Fixin’ to watch the video.
As I already said, I am so angry about this. I am so angry this is not news. GAWD!! People are SHEEP!!!being led around by mean, nasty bureaucrats!
I went to the .gov site and read the CPSIA text itself. Although potentially devastating to small business – including thrift/second-hand stores, it does exempt those of us who occassionally sell our used books and toys, even on sites like Ebay and Craigslist. It also does not apply to people who occassionally sell their handmade goods – like to friends or at craft shows, etc.
I think the bill stinks, though the intent is good, and I will do what I can to fight it. 🙂
The CSPIA passed and was signed into law last August.
This has nothing to do with Obama, it was passed, as Shauna said, back in August.
Granted he can work to change it, we all know it’s easier to pass a law than to amend one.
Yes, you can thank Congress and Bush for this gem; it had overwhelming support from Republicans and Democrats.
The CPSC just put out a press release that helps to clarify things a little with regard to resellers. They aren’t required to test or certify their inventory, though they will still be responsible if they sell an item that doesn’t meet the new standards:
“The new law requires that domestic manufacturers and importers certify that children’s products made after February 10 meet all the new safety standards and the lead ban. Sellers of used children’s products, such as thrift stores and consignment stores, are not required to certify that those products meet the new lead limits, phthalates standard or new toy standards.
The new safety law does not require resellers to test children’s products in inventory for compliance with the lead limit before they are sold. However, resellers cannot sell children’s products that exceed the lead limit and therefore should avoid products that are likely to have lead content, unless they have testing or other information to indicate the products being sold have less than the new limit. Those resellers that do sell products in violation of the new limits could face civil and/or criminal penalties.”
I did contact both of my state senators today to express my concern of how this is going to affect not only re-sale but also small manufacturing in the united states. Both of my senators’ offices said they had been receiving a lot of calls!
The wastefulness alone is staggering. Not to mention all the mom businesses that will be forced to close down.
There are already updates out there.
CPSC clarifies requirements of new children’s product safety laws taking effect in February —
Thanks so much for this post! I hope that millions stumble upon it and take it to heart…