A long list is a dangerous thing. Planning for victory means breaking the whole into parts. After all, you don’t eat a steak in one bite. Figuring that my list was a bit on the long side, I took it to bed last night with a pencil and paper. Instead of reading, I organized my list in to these categories:
Everything that couldn’t fit in those categories was a potential ‘procrastination project’. So, I counted up the leftovers and figured out that I would have to do 9 projects per month to complete the entire list by the end of December 2009. Nine in ’09. I swear, I didn’t plan that out!
I picked my nine items from the list for January already. Actually, I may have picked more than 9. Here they are with their original list numbers:
1. Refinance the House (had the appraisal today – waiting on closing)
3. Paint Morgan’s and the Baby’s room & decorate (in planning stages – they are sharing a room)
4. Pick up donated crib, buy/make bedding for it…
15. Catch up with grading and school paperwork (started…)
19. Get recipes from Nana and Ammie (emailed)
22. Put away Christmas ornaments/trees (we only have the trees and cards left)
38. Organize the school closet
94. Print 2009 calendar pages (printed 2009 through July) & make 2008 annual letter
106. Taxes for 2008 sorted (waiting on 2 tax documents in the mail)
109. Baby shower (25th … need to register)
125. Clean out pantry/fridge (if this includes eating holiday sweets, I’m on it!)
So that’s 11 items that I can focus on for NOW. That’s the key to success – breaking it down in to bite sized slivers. A list with 125 items is overwhelming – even for list queens like me. No one wants to feel discouraged. Now I have a pace set that keeps me moving forward without leaving things to chance.
Keeping up with my Dailies, Weeklies, and Monthlies may prove to be the hardest part of the list, however. Those are more what I would call ‘resolutions’. They are habits that need to be formed. I loved what one of my commentors (Penny) called the list-making way of life: “intentional living”.
My Dailies are: spending time in prayer, reading my bible daily, finding time every day or two for my CDRom Bible, spending time Outdoors every other day, School before housework and fun, me-time and journaling, reading to the kids out loud, having the kids read to the baby, cooking (sticking to the menu plan) and housework (preventative order), set bedtimes, and the kids doing copy-work.
My Weeklies are: tackling procrastination projects (listed above for this month), keeping up with friends and family, reading for myself, making menus, coupons and frugality, 3 recipes on Gathering Manna, nature journaling with the kids, family devo time, keeping the email boxes clean, doing GeeArt with the kids, and helping the kids blog.
My Monthlies: decluttering, having the kids cook one meal without help each, freezing food for later, keeping track of the books we are reading, planning for school, getting a home project done (decorating/painting/curtains/gardening, etc), doing a blog give-away, scrapbooking, having guests for dinner, taking a field trip, sending a flat stanley, and organizing the school papers/portfolios.
How’s that for a breakdown? Lists are fun.
Now let’s see how much I can get done today.
Be sure to link up your 2009 list on my post from the other day. I am giving you until the end of the weekend to get it done. Monday I’ll pick a winner for a small prize.
Happy Listing and Tackling in 2009!
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Buzz Words: 2009, getting things done, resolutions, goals, homeschool, life, personal, procrastination, organization, time management, priorities, family, motherhood, parenting, lists, homeschooling, pregnancy, self help, New Years, to do, tasks, plans, declutter, cleaning, busy, projects
I like the idea of dividing the list up into managable chuncks. I’ve been checking mine every few days and deciding what to work on next but sometimes just looking at the entire thing as a whole is overwhelming!
Have a wonderful (and productive) day.
I assume you know that you should be around paint fumes when you’re pregnant.
I mean, *shouldn’t*
I too am also a list person. A list for every for every day, for every project! I love receiving your emails, you have alot of grea ideas!