Well, I guess I pushed it a little too hard yesterday. We ran errands, did carschooling, and went to choir class from 9am until nearly 4pm. Then after we ate cereal for dinner (I was way too tired to cook), my mom and I decided to tackle the boy’s room. We sorted a box of Legos and arranged all of his creations on his new bookshelves… hung his clothes, sorted jars of rocks, bottle caps, metal objects he’s picked up over the years, etc. I’ve been determined to get to the floor in there and clean his drawers out to make room for more clothes. As it is, he has so little closet space and so much junk that he stuffs his clean clothes under the bed instead of putting them away. That just doesn’t work – so we are trying to help him get organized for when baby is here and mom has less time to put fires out. I guess that’s why the poor child wears only three different shirts out of his 50 that hang in the closet. He can’t even get to the rack for all the boxes of toys and legos on the floor in there. I still have to clean out his closet and get to the rest of the things in the corners, but his room looks 100% better after spending two different nights with grandma helping him sort, purge and order things. Thank heavens she had those two bookcases my grandpa built to give him!
All sounds like a perfect and productive day, right? However…
At around 11pm, when I should have been off my feet and resting in bed, I started having contractions and lower back pain. It scared me to death. I was not sure if I should have gone to the ER or tried to just get rest (I was so tired I could have passed out). Since mom was there to drive me in the middle of the night to the hospital, I figured I would try to rest and sleep first… then go to the ER if the contractions didn’t stop. Amazingly, I was able to get to sleep (not without major discomfort through the night, though). I am so very thankful that I’m not hooked up to an IV this morning in a separate hospital than my little Viking (because with 7 weeks left until my scheduled delivery day, I doubt he would have been able to “room in” and come home any earlier than a month later). I think he was not quite 5 lbs a week ago when they did the sonogram.
If I can just make it another three or four weeks… that would be great. I’m supposed to be 32 weeks today. I certainly want him fully cooked when he comes out of the oven.
Alas, I have put myself on bed rest today. We’ll be “bedschooling” and I’ll be catching up on paperwork and addressing cards. The kids are a big help – Morgan brought me a tray with eggs, cheese toast, apple sauce, yogurt covered raisins and chocolate milk this morning. Kaden brought me ice water. I think they finished making their beds, too. Now if I could get them to come in here and start school, we’d be making progress.
I have a call in to the doctor and I’ll probably just stay in bed until I hear otherwise from her. My next appointment was not supposed to be until next Wednesday. I might have to get someone to take me in earlier if she’s concerned like I was last night.
I should have taken the hint earlier in the day yesterday when I had to sit down on a shelf at Target to rest while I was having some SERIOUS Braxton Hicks contractions going on … at least I thought they were Braxton Hicks. A kind lady that works there offered to get me a glass of water and told me to sit down on a small end table to rest. She looked pretty panicked to have a pregnant lady with a belly my belly’s size sitting on a shelf in the aisle. It was rather comical, really… until last night’s episode.
I guess it is time to really take it easy. I am anxious for the Viking to get here, but I certainly don’t want to harm him by stealing his last few weeks of lung growth in the womb. I can hang in there if he can.
So… I guess I’ll be blogging more… with my distractions at a minimum. Hopefully I won’t have to be in bed more than a few hours a day after I talk with the doctor. Keep us in your prayers if you remember. We hope that there is at least a little buzz left in this old bee to keep my family functioning for the next few weeks. Can’t imagine what the house would look like if I were stuck in bed that long!
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Buzz Words: delivery, bedrest, parenting, life, complications, prayers, baby, motherhood, family, pregnancy, stress, mommy, SAHM
It’s time to take it easy. Feet up and bon bons for you, ma’am.
Said a little prayer for you! Take care of yourself.
TAKE IT EASY! Drinks lots of water and keep your feet up. I don’t want you worrying about my post this weekend. Skip it or let me figure something else out!
From a mommy who had a peanut 7 weeks early, a bit of advice…
Do WHATEVER it takes to keep your Viking in! Nothing else is as important as that.
Praying for you…
Hang in there sweetie. Take all the rest you need. Your family is perfectly capable of taking care of things. Even if it’s not up to par, it’ll be worth it to take care of that viking and give him the best possible chance at birth. These weeks will be a very small sacrifice in the long run. Once he’s here, it’ll be a distant memory.
Praying for you!
You know what to do……
Bedschooling….I think I like that.
Keep him in….lay there and dictate…
Girl…you scared me!
hang in there….you’re almost there!
love ya,
Ooh you be careful there Missy! 🙂
I know it’s hard for you to slow down and stay off your feet. I’ll be praying for you to be able to do just that, though!
I’ve done the whole sit-in-the-floor-in-walmart thing, too. It is pretty disconcerting to other people around!
So glad you’re taking it easy…I know how hard that is.
Praying for eight uneventful weeks for you and your Viking!
Lord, I ask that You provide the opportunity for rest, the strength to get done with what needs doing, and the peace to let go of things that can be put on hold. May this little guy be strong and healthy, and everything go smoothly from here on out. Amen.
You will be in my prayers. I had premature labor with both of my girls… both are both healthy 22 and 18 years old… Don’t try to be superwoman…
God Knows what you need! Depend on HIM!
Take care and get lots of rest! That housework will be there waiting for after the little viking is born.
I am 32 weeks and on bed rest as well. We have been doing schooling via the couch for weeks now.
I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers