I’m in one of those seasons where blogging is on my mind, but I can’t seem to find the time or energy to get to it. I’m constantly thinking about sharing tidbits of what is going on in these busy days, but somehow it just doesn’t ever get blogged. Hate to miss these thoughts, events, and funny moments. If they don’t get written down, they’ll most certainly be lost. Pregnancy fog is not a good handicap to have when trying to remember things – that’s for sure.
So I thought I would give you a quick update (for those of you who are stopping in for personal updates and not lost on some crazy Google search gone awry):
Last night we had a small slumber party (which I barely survived). The kids were limited to the amount of people they could invite and had a hard time narrowing it down… but mom was adamant that we weren’t going to repeat last year’s all-nighter fiasco. I learned a few lessons this time, even still:
1. “Just a FEW kids” can find a reason to stay up until 5:30AM.
2. It pays to order your cake more than 2 hours before the party starts. Or rather, YOU WILL PAY dearly if you don’t (in cash, that is).
3. Slumber parties are better given when you aren’t 8 months pregnant.
I feel like my cat (pictured above) and hope to be in a similarly relaxed position, napping for most of the rest of this week.
Not only did we give the slumber party yesterday, but we also tackled one of my procrastination projects that was on my 2009 List: The Garage. I was glad Kev took the day off. He was so helpful! It isn’t completely finished the way I would like (with painted walls, ceilings, and slat-board for hanging tools, painted concrete with clear-coat and flecks, and a workstation for crafty/handy projects we might have in the future). It is CLEAN, though – and one of the vehicles can fit inside it. We got two heavy duty shelves for one wall and I was able to get all my gift-wrapping supplies, science chemicals and supplies, batteries, light-bulbs, Christmas tins, craft supplies and extra tupperware put in to one cabinet. The other is filled with paints, chemicals, lawn goodies, car washing supplies, power drills, bits, nails, screws, and other garage-type things. We emptied box after box and took a load to Good Will. It felt so great to declutter and purge. I’d love to get a shed in the back yard for the lawn mowers, weed eaters, rakes and shovels. Then I’d really have some room in there. I love a clean garage just like my man does. The kids and I would probably do more hands-on crafts if we had a space to paint, saw, hammer, and tinker. It would be nice to be able to sit out there and watch them ride bikes, too – with a playpen for the baby so he could get some sunshine.
I’m sure our party guests didn’t care whether the garage was done (and my mom wasn’t sure why we spent time on it, either)… but now Kevin has a spot to pull the truck in that’s level (our driveway isn’t) so he can change his breaks. That means I won’t have to give up my car this week, so it’s all good.
There was also furniture to arrange. Morgan’s queen bed went downstairs to Chickie’s room. Chickie’s twin came up to Morgan and the baby’s room. Now we have room for a crib in there… and it was perfect timing to fit a bunch of sleeping bags and giggling little girls on the floor (that didn’t really sleep at all, regardless of whether they had room or not). I’m so thrilled that Morgan loves her walls after we finished painting. Everyone that has seen it likes the color. It’s really cheerful. She bought a desk at IKEA with her birthday money that Grandma Betty and her Pawpaw & Nana gave her. It looks great with her room.
The pillow and blanket on Morgan’s chair in this photo are for mom’s room… but they are similar to what I’m aiming for as accents for the lime room. You can see quite a bit of the inspiration colors for the finished room in this picture: pine colored wood, white painted wood, and accent colors of chocolate brown, pale teal, white, a darker shade of green in the same family, and light orange. I also found a cute idea for hanging curtains and my mom is bringing over some white sheers next time she comes. I can’t wait to paint the murals, get Morgan a new bedspread, headboard and quilt. Of course, the crib needs to be put up, too. We’re making progress, though – even if we aren’t near finished. I feel a lot better nearing delivery with at least this much done.
The sad thing about getting all those projects done is that it really was a stretch for me… and my backache and swollen legs and feet are proof that I should have spent more time resting instead of nesting. So… this week we’ll be bedschooling as much as possible. I’ll be 34 weeks Wednesday, and in the final few weeks before delivery, so we won’t be driving much. Doc says that after 34 weeks she won’t stop the baby from coming if he decides to make his debut a little early. My tummy and piggy feet would be much obliged if he decided to be an early bird. Even if his nest isn’t quite feathered yet, he’d be more than welcome in our hearts and arms – and we would see to the unfinished details as quick as we could.
Who knows? With a belly as big as mine, I might get another February child. Or not.
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Buzz Words: nursery, projects, home, decorating, painting, baby, furniture, home decor, Getting Things Done, birthday party, tired, bedrest, garage, decor, cleaning, life, personal, declutter, nesting, inspiration
You are a brave little BEE! You did tooo much! Your kids are precious, the cat is adorable and you worked MIRACLES yesterday, but you did too much!
You are super mom!
I love Proverbs 31… and I try, oh I try, and you did a good job. Time to rest! This is a time when your body tells you to prepare and get ready, but your body is also telling you to REST!!!
The walls look so peaceful and what a great color! I love it!
My prayers are with you.
REST REST REST, You are a Good mom and wife.
I just can’t believe how much you keep doing with your ever-expanding tummy and swollen feet. You need to rest, silly girl!
Of course, I suppose you’re thinking that maybe some of this activity would push you into labor, no?
Glad to hear things are coming along well, though. Morgan and the Viking’s room sounds very charming. also glad you survived (even if barely) the slumber party.
Now, get some rest, sweetie! Cause you might not be getting much once the viking makes his entrance. Encouraging, aren’t I? LOL!! 😀
I love the desk! We might be making a trip to Ikea to get Boo’s new one next month. Where did you get that chair? I love it!
Get some rest. I had swollen feet with Boo, and know your discomfort.
Your kids share a birthday already? Wow.
As much as you want the baby here, be comforted that the longer you can keep him inside, the better off he’ll be.
I think she’s nesting.
The room looks great. Thanks for telling me to come have a look. I can’t wait to see the murals but that is no excuse to not take it easy. We don’t want no preemies! (((hugs))) I wish I was there to help you. I need to post pics of the murals I’ve painted. thanks for the blog post idea. hehe
Have a great day and be kind to yourself today!
Luvs, KC @ Lil Momma’s Haven