1. cup-♥-hearts… h♥♥t, 2. Wiggle Eye Owl Valentine, 3. Owl Collage Cards, 4. boreal owl, 5. owl, 6. Owly tea for me, 7. Paul’s 34th, 2008, 8. Little Birds 9, 9. early bird and worm [back], 10. Owlie Pillow (v3), 11. Polkie the Owl, 12. Coruja-buraqueira (Speotyto cunicularia) – Burrowing Owl
I’m sensing the wrench. In my plans, that is.
Today while planning with my buddy for the family baby shower this weekend, I seem to have set off the time bomb. From 4pm through 8pm, I had regular 10 minute contractions. They weren’t painful, but I could tell they were doing some work. Mr. Viking has been more than hospitable today in the lung and stomach arena – no reflux, no heartburn, no gasping for air. However; I discovered that the nerves to my legs are pinched off and there’s quite a bit of pressure ‘down South’ – indicating that Mr. Man has dropped a tad.
Dropping and contracting is great news… but not when you are three days away from your baby shower… and you have the cutest cupcakes this side of the Mason-Dixon ordered. I’m all about the cupcakes and THEN the epidural, baby. Don’t get me wrong, Viking boy is welcome at his baby shower – as long as he can get here in time for mom to be released Friday from the hospital… or as long as he can stay put until I get cake and punch!
In other baby news: a sweet friend of mine sent me THE OWL that is going on the nursery wall. It’s NOT on the image above, but those are some of my flickr faves – since I’m an owly-freak (dontcha just LOVE flickr?). I actually was nicknamed ‘hoot’ when I was a kid because one of my first words was ‘hoot’. I’ve always loved owls. I’m so glad I waited to paint the mural. I just can’t wait to finish the baby room. I was going to tackle it today (this morning I was feeling energized), but after realizing that baby was lower than usual, I opted to get back in bed to try and salvage my baby shower.
Wanna see my nursery colors:
Keylime Pie (main color/wall color)
Tropical Teal
Bright Sage
Chocolate Brown (main accent)
Pumpkin Orange
White & Pine furniture
Very fun and springy indeed. Or woodsy if you add in the hooty owl and the bird on the branch.
Feathering this nursery nest may be difficult if I can’t make it to the baby shower. Please pray for me to either have the baby ASAP or next week! I’m so excited that he wants out early (but I’d like a moment to gather the last minutes supplies up first).
Oh, and thanks for putting up with all my baby and pregnancy posts. Looks like my blog theme has expanding as much as my belly. God has a sense of humor, does He not? And obviously He’s not working on MY schedule.
I wonder if this little owl is coming tonight?
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Buzz Words: labor, nursery, owls, life, flickr, decorating, baby, motherhood, house, pregnancy, delivery, mommy, contractions
Wow, Heather~
I sure hope he stays put until he is fully formed and healthy.
May the LORD keep him there until he is due, so he can be strong and able.
Blessings, peace and patience to you as you carry this little blessing.
I always got sad when I realized this may be the last time I felt him kick or even the last time I EVER felt a little one kick…
You never know!
(((HUGS from IN)))
I will be thinking and praying for you both.
Those colors are so you Heather! What a lucky little baby. I hope the little one takes a break until his mama can enjoy a wonderful baby shower!
Spritti! Way to leave us hangin’! 😉
We can hardly wait to meet Viking Boy!!!!
It will all works out perfect one way or the other! God’s way is always better!
YaY!!! Yay? hahhahah God is Good all the time!! He is in Control.. still it is all about the cupcakes right? hahahha Not! Oh Heather, you are so cute!!! I am so glad I found you!!
I am praying so hard for you That God is going to Watch over you and Protect you and your precious Baby, and Give the Doctors wisdom in ALL decisions!!!
Throw in impromtu shower NOW!!
God Bless you Heather!!!
Praying all will be well with you both. I hope you get your cupcakes & punch too. I'm sure they'll take pics for you. 😉
GIVE that LADY a CUPCAKE!! I can’t wait to see the pics!!
That collage you made would make an adorable pic in the room!!
Hangin in there girlfriend! I’m getting excited!! DRATS that you are just too far away…
prayin too!