Keyhole and Knob begin with K.
K is a special letter in my family. I keep it close to my heart – literally. I have a tiny gold K that I wear on a necklace with my dainty engagement ring. The three men in my life are all named with Ks. The hubby, the twelve year old, and the teeny tiny Viking – each of them begin with K.
You get quite enough camera coverage of the kids around here, so I figured I’d go all artsy on you and share some of my more creative shots for the A B See Photomeme. This one was taken in San Antonio on the front door to the Mission Concepcion. I left a set of photos from our trip over on my flickr account (under the San Antonio link above). We had a blast finishing up our states and regions study with a Texas wrap-up… complete with Mexican food and Missions. History is much easier to learn on a full belly. Especially one full of Mexican baked goods. Mmmm!
One of my San Antonio mission shots (one I wouldn’t have imagined anyone else would ever want to see) ended up in the iPhone application called “Schmap“. They make city guides and added my Mission Concepcion photo to their sixth edition guide. Wow, eh? I’m a ‘real’ photographer. Schmap is smart, however, in seeking out amateur photographers on flickr that will work for free.
So there’s my K post for the Homeschool Post’s A B See Photo Meme for last week. Not only is this K a bit late for last week, but I’m sure I have skipped letters over here. I’ll have to get together a collage of links for my whole alphabet for you to keep myself on sequence. As if I need another project.
Task and check-mark end with K.
The buck stops here. My youngest K is stopping me from everything… he’s the ‘kink’ in my plans (my day begins and ends with baby-care). Speaking of kinks, my plans are all in knots because of our extra K. Wanna know what I’m working on that seems to be going as slow as a snail due to intensive nursing sessions, colic, and tweens that are taking advantage of mom’s frazzled postpartum schedule?
* pay bills tomorrow or the sky will be falling
* three months behind on calendar updates about to miss all my May appointments
* switched phones, need to contact previous carrier about it before double charges occur
* unpacked suitcases from trip and now need to get the laundry done
* laundry room needs a light bulb and cat litter changed (whew, it stinks!)
* thank you cards to mail
* homeschool paperwork portfolio project to complete
* supply cabinet that we gutted needs to be surgically restored to an organized state
* menu needs to be made and we need to start a cooking routine again
* finish updating my Outlook contacts so they will sync with my phone
* finish reading a few books and begin Egypt for our schooling
* get plans for the next two weekends solidified and work out the budget
* buy Homeschool Tracker for our record keeping (been using the free version)
* continue to declutter the school and office areas, go through school papers/inbox
* paint mural in the baby room and spray-paint/assemble the crib
* Hopefully talk hubby in to hanging his clothes, cleaning out his corner of the bedroom and installing the cat door on the garage door (heavy on the cat door)
So what are you up to this week? Continuing to “scratch at” your list for 2009? I’m feeling the urge to get things done… even as I sit impatiently in my rocker with a babe in my lap. It is so hard to sit still when there are lists to check off! I feel guilty for enjoying the sweetness of being still and smelling baby lotion, listening to the rain outside and letting the hours pass by. There’s a time and season for everything under heaven… and I’m so glad that God put an extra K in my life – even if the list has to wait.
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Buzz Words: busy, stress, random, homeschool, life, list, personal, photos, memes, kids, motherhood, getting+things+done, parenting
So did your phone # change or port over with the new phone? Just wondering if I need to update anything. 😀
Cute post and I love the photo.
Same number. Different phone. 😉 Thanks Dianne.