My spine may never be straight again after hunching over my desk in the dark until 2:28AM to type out this list. I’m not even going to hope that it is complete or updated – even though I typed it just now. I love too many invisible people. I hope you grow to love them, too.
If you are a reader here and would like to join my blogroll page, let me know. If you catch a dead link or a blog that has been shut down on this list (heaven forbid that twitter kills off all my favorite blogs), let me know.
!! Also see my Button Page !! I may have some blogs there that aren’t listed here! Especially NEWer blogs or ones I discovered more recently. I love a good blog button!
These aren’t in any order, nor are they sorted in any way. I just dumped my old lists and mingled them all together in a lump so I wouldn’t lose them. As I get time, I’ll come in here and clean this list up. I’ve been blogging so long that a few of them may lead you to a virtual black hole. You just never can be too sure!
Otherwise, here are ‘those that admit to reading my site from time to time’ and ‘blog gems I have discovered over the years’:
The Homeschool Post
Gathering Manna – a recipe blog
Momomimic (my son)
Mees-Alees (my daughter)
My Home Sweet Home
Bunny Trails
Holy Experience
Pollywog Creek
Life with My 3 Boybarians
Robin of Heart of Wisdom
Work of Heart and Soul
Sheila of To Love, Honor, and Vacuum
The Brew*Crew Adventure
From the Rubber Room
Gremlin Wrangler
Kelly of Wisdom Begun
Wifely Steps
About Homeschooling
Growing in Grace Magazine
Ambleside Classical
Heart of the Matter
Spunky Homeschool
Beth of Pages of Our Life
Smockity Frocks
Renae of Life Nurturing Education
Amy S of Milk & Cookies
Amy B of
Marsha of Our Homeschool Happenings
Lori of All You Have to Give
Nikowa of Knowledge House Academy
Mandy of
Sallie of Everyday Me
Bev of Pufferfish Diaries
Jacque Dixon of Walking Therein
Kellie Ann The Pirate Mom
Simply A Musing
Design Chicky
Antique Mommy
Boo Mama
Big Mama
Simple Mom
Robin of Pensieve
Sister Lisa of Apples of Gold
Like a Warm Cup of Coffee
The Crafty Crow
Why Homeschool
Common Room
Shades of Pink
Jack Lewis
Dana of Principled Discovery
School @ Home
Rhonda Mom of 2
Grown at Home
All Sorts
Heather Bailey
A Dollop of Sour Cream
Dandelion Seeds
Funny Movie Reviews
Big White Hat
Veerle’s Blog
Homeschool Buzz’s Blogwatch
Farmgirl Fare
Sparkling Adventures in Australia
Like Paper Lanterns
The Curriculum Choice
Smooth Stones Academy
A Dusty Frame
Life in a Shoe
Lil’ Duck Duck
Jasmine Star Photography Blog
Biblical Womanhood
Valerie of Homeschooling with Encouragement
Bluebird Blogs
Girl Talk
Save the Kittens
Rocks in my Dryer
Trivium Academy
Mama Says…
All Sorts
Everyday Mommy
Texas Homeschoolers
The Purl Bee
Robot Jumping Rope
The Savvy Organizer
The Pioneer Woman – Photography
Higher Up and Further In
The Daily Planet
A Pondering Heart
The Milk & Honey Tea Room
On the Road to Manhood
Maiden in Training
Dawn’s PhotoBlog
Sweet Juniper – Detroit Photostream
Texas Home Educators
Nesting Place
The Pleated Poppy
My Wooden Spoon
Blogging from the Boonies
A Peaceful Day
My Quivers Full
Joyfully Feminine
Because I know it is bound to have happened, here’s your apology ahead of time: “I’m so ashamed that I forgot you. Please forgive me.” There. That’s out of the way now. Please, let’s still be friends anyway!
… not listed up there and want to be? If you comment here and are interested in adding your blog to my list, just let me know (click the contact link above my header).
Thanks for linking to me! When you get a chance…and this is no real biggie…you can change my link to as that's where I'm at now. Thanks!
Thanks Heather. I added your cut Bee Button to my HomeSpunLife side bar.
Hey Heather! Thanks for the laugh this morning. Well it's morning here in VIctoria, Australia! I really adore your blog, it's awesome!
Love Sarah xx
I don't mind being listed as your friend:)
Let me know if you'd like to be on my friends blogroll too:)
Thanks for linking to Homeschool Buzz's Blogwatch. The name was changed to "…Blog Buzz" (thought you bee lovers would like that) and the URL is actually
🙂 hey – I'm on there. hehe You have a lot of great blogs on there, SarahMae and Beth Brewer are a few!
I am linking this post on the Weekly here
Kellie – got your link fixed. 😉 Arrrrr!
Lisa – Thanks for sharing my graphic. 🙂
Sarah – What a neat life you have. Groovy pictures and notes from Australia. 😉 Thanks for the patriotic well-wishes from down under, too (for the 4th). It's a bittersweet holiday to me as I see our freedoms being taken away and our people being burdened by heavy taxes from our current government administration. I think our founding fathers would be sickened at the way our nation has gone in the past century. Well, even since the days of the Civil War, really. America's history is dappled in sadness and yet the spirit and greatness that God emboldened her people with lives on. I pray it continues to burn brighter in the coming years…
Lizzie – THERE YOU ARE! 😉 How are things? What's up with your hubby? You'll have to email me to fill me in on what's been going on in your life. Sad how blogs slip through your fingers.
Gary – 🙂 Got your link fixed and yes – love the buzz.
Jocelyn – send me the urls of the rest of the Dixon bloggers! You guys have more blogs than any family I know!
I am not on there at all…my feelings are not hurt at all!
Wow, what a list! I was just thinking that mine was too long, lol, not anymore. 🙂
I got you on my Feevy so I can see when you update!
Thanks for including me!
You have included some of my fave blogs on there!
Our family and ministry blogs are listed in a Blogroll box on my blog. 🙂
Sooooo…..I retire from homeschooling after 23 years and I'm no longer your friend? =)
LOVE the look of your blog, Heather.
Heather I'd LOVE to be listed on your blogroll! I read your blog and follow you on Twitter! (I guess I stalk you?) LOL Thanks!
Heather, your site has been one-stop shopping for me tonight! I've just discovered the absolute joy of blogging and I'm returning to homeschooling in the fall when my youngest enters middle-school. You have wonderful info and encouragement on all that and more! -Leanne
I'd love to be on your list too!
Congratulations on your newest gift from the Lord!
Would love to have you take a look at our parenting website and add it to your bloglist.
Blessings to you and yours!