I swear I didn’t rig it. Just cuz I know the purdy lady that won this, doesn’t mean I cheated. I promise. Blame it on the Random.org number generator if you have a complaint.
The contest is over… if you missed it, there will be another one next week. Only next time I’ll be giving away 5 tickets to an online conference… and maybe something else, too. It’s all in the works behind the scenes. I try and give away something each week… or at least once a month for sure. Sometimes it’s expensive things – like Kodak printers, sometimes really simple things – like hand-picked Texas wild-flower seeds. You just never know what’s up my sleeve.
For the 50$ Free Stuff contest, the winner is:
Beth of The Brew*Crew Adventure!
Thanks so much for playing everyone! Please give her a hand in the comment section… and do tell us what you got with your 50$, Beth! Inquiring minds wanna know!
Aw DARN!! er, I mean, HUGE CONGRATS to Beth!!
Love ya' Beth! Glad you won!
ME! REALLY?! {VBG} This almost makes up for not winning the Macbook… almost! LOL Oh, I am so excited! Thank you Lord, thank you Heather and thank you ACF! I know exactly what I'm going to get too, and I'll blog it! 😉 Yay.
I've had people I know win my contests a couple of times. I'd say it's just the nature of a blog contest. I mean, you know many of the people who read your blog and your readers are the ones who are going to enter.
Congrats Beth!
Yay for you, Beth!
Congrats! 😀
Tammy and Parker
@ParkerMama on Twitter
Congratulations, Beth! 🙂 That's awesome!