Today began our history co-op and I’m thrilled to see it unfold this year. We decided to blaze our own trail this year with a number of resources since it seemed that there were a few gaps in some of the resources. My friend and I wanted to cover history with a more Christ-Centered view : His-Story! I love to see the intricate weaving of God’s providence in the tapestry of time. It strengthens the faith and gives hope – especially in these uncertain times.
We are only done planning the first HALF of the year so far. So the title is kind of tricky on this post. It really should be Creation to Egypt… because Greece and Rome are our second half of the year.
We begin with a clean slate, a few ideas, and a stack full of awesome books. I thought I would share with you a few of those book titles (most of which you can purchase for yourself in my Amazon book store if you are interested in them – just click the History category):
Main Spines:
The Bible
The Story of the Ancient World (Revised and expanded edition of “The Story of the Chosen People” By H.A.Guerger) – Christine Miller (a book no Christian homeschool history teacher should be without)
Ancient Civilizations and the Bible ,Volume 1 book A – Diana Waring
The Story of the World: Ancient Times – Susan Wise Bauer
Veritas Press Old Testament and Ancient Egypt
Veritas Press Ancient Egypt and Bible Timeline Cards
Streams of Civilization Volume 1 – Christian Liberty Press
A Child’s Geography: Explore the Holy Land – Ann Voskamp (I heart Ann.)
Go To Egypt – Tapestry of Grace (free online unit)
The Time Tables of History – Grun
Adam and His Kin: The Lost History of their Life and Times – Ruth Beechick
Reader’s Digest A B C’s of the Bible
Nelson’s Illustrated Encyclopedia of Bible Facts
Shadow Hawk – Andre Norton
The Tombs of Anak – Frank Peretti
The Internet Linked Encyclopedia of World History – Usborne
Hailey’s Bible Handbook
The Golden Goblet – Eloise Jarvis McGraw
Mara Daughter of the Nile – Eloise Jarvis McGraw
Who Built the Pyramids – Usborne
Pyramid – David Macaulay
Unlocking the Mysteries of Creation – Dennis R. Petersen
Dinosaurs by Design – Duane T. Gish, Ph.D.
Crafts from the Past, The Egyptians – Gillian Chapman (Chick-fil-A Book)
Make it Work! Ancient Egypt – Andrew Haslam
Skeletons in Your Closet, Discovering Your Real Family Tree – Gary Parker
Creation Seminar Series Workbook & Charts – Kent Hovind
Fun with Hyroglyphs – The Metropolitan Museum of Art
TinTin’s Travel Diaries: Egypt and the Middle East – Barron’s
A Coloring Book of Queen Nefertiti – Bellerophon
History Detectives: Ancient Egypt – Philip Ardagh
Science in Ancient Egypt – Geraldine Woods
Life in Ancient Egypt Coloring Book – John Green (Dover)
Pharaohs & Pyramids (The Usborne Time Traveler) – Tony Allan
Ancient Egyptian Art Cards in Full Color – The British Museum
Cleopatra – Diane Stanley (beautiful illustrations!)
Modern Rhymes About Ancient Times: Ancient Egypt – Susan Altman and Susan Lechner
Story of the Nile – Steve Noon (DK)
Egyptology – Journal of Emily Sands
The Cat of Bubastes – G. A. Henty
These are a pool of books brought together by my friend and I to teach for this first semester of the year. I haven’t even tried to hit the library yet!
We are hoping to finish Creation through Egypt by Christmas and begin Greece and Rome next semester.
To go along with our books, we’re making history notebooks where we’ll keep our notes, worksheets, writings and artwork. I hope they have a masterpiece of ancient history to remember this year by when we are done!
What are you studying for history this year? Have any books or ideas to suggest to make our school year even better? Share them in the comments section! It only takes a second!
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i love christine miller. this sounds great.
We are doing something very similar to you! How similar? We are using about half of the books you are! We are focusing on Church History. We are going into our second week and our children LOVE it!
Neat. But it appears all the enrichment books are about Egypt. You're focusing on that? or is it a lack of being able to find anything else?
I love Christine Miller, too! Did you know she is a blogger? 🙂 I also want to get From Adam to Messiah from Robin Sampson. I haven't ever seen the Mystery of History stuff, either. I hear it is good, but don't have the funds to purchase it – and with all the things we have, I am sure we have it covered.
Joy – How cool. 🙂
MBR – There aren't too many children's resources for the peoples that came before the Egyptians. That I'm aware of, of course. As you see, the Bible is a main resource of ours… and it covers probably more about this timeframe than any other source. The Christine Miller book pictured above in my post has much of this history in a readable format including famous artwork and references to where she found the information. For Pre-Egypt, her book is the best resource we have besides the Bible itself. During our study of Ancients (probably right before we jump in to Egypt) we also will study the ancient Americas, Africa and China. I think we touch on Hyksos, Crete, Babylon and of course – all of the Hebrew people and their kings are covered at Christmas time. I'm not sure, but I think we're trying to get to around 800 BC before break – and we'll begin the age of the Greeks and Romans after we return.
My kids and I studied this same time period last year. A great resource we loved was the history audio CD's done by Diana Waring. She makes history come to life and real.
We also made lapbooks, costumes and art projects. We had a lot of fun with this.
Check out my blog
The Christine Miller book sounds wonderful! I'll keep an eye out for it.
As for other books. How about these:
In the Days of Noah by Gloria Canin, etc.;=books&qid;=1251833409&sr;=8-1
Life in the Great Ice Age by Michael J. Oard, etc.
Life in Ancient Mesopotamia
If we buy a book through your link that is not available directly from Amazon, but through another seller, do you still get "pass through"?
If you are talking about Christine Miller, buy it directly from her site and she gets more profit – tell her I sent you. 😉 Her link is directly behind the graphic image of her book. And yes, there will be other books. A few of the World History books cover the early times also – especially "Streams of Civilization" and "Story of the World". Both of which we have. I might even find some nuggets in Hailey's Bible Handbook and my A B C's of the Bible and Illustrated Encyclopedia of Bible Facts (all of which might have additional maps, artwork, and facts about those places… and then there's the actual Encyclopedia – which we have a set of). I'm sure our library will have 'something' of interest, too – but we haven't even had time to check that out yet. I'm not sure that I'll get "pass through" on the book through Amazon or not – but you could find out by ordering!? I really have no idea. One way to tell is if the url of the pass through says homeschoolz20 or something like that in the link? The same url tag as the store. I know of no other way to check that. Thanks for asking. 🙂 I have a lot of other books to add later as we flesh the units out… but we have only done detailed planning for week 1 (which was this past Monday). I'm sure to add books to the study as we go. Thanks for the links!
I love teaching history in home school. When I was teaching my kids at home we used a lot of resources by Susan Bauer. The Story of the World is great and my kids enjoyed it and better yet, they remembered what they learned.
Wow, this sounds amazing. Thanks for sharing all of the great resources you are using. I am hoping we can launch a history co-op the last half of the year or next year.
I was so excited to see what you had planned because that is exactly what I am planning to do this year!
How has it been going?
I only plan on using The Story of the Ancient World and the Bible as my spine, along with Greenleaf Guides to OT and AE. (and, of course, lots of living books!) do you think that's enough? I see you are using a lot more spines. Any info at all you could give me would be very appreciated!
This is my first year homeschooling and my oldest will be in first grade (she has four younger sisters as well!)
Thanks a bunch!
How has this been going? How is it working out? I haven't seen anything else about this fascinating part of history!