I have the most amazing friends and family. You know how it is with those you love… you hurt when they hurt. You want to be there for them. So is the case with my cousin, Sara. She’s got a cute little baby that was born in May. He and baby K are buds.
But Sara had surgery not long ago… and she got an infection from the surgery – which has put her in a severe state of sickness. Fever. Yuck. I’m just heartbroken over it all… and her wee little man misses his mama (who has his milk supply).
You just gotta help me pray for her. She’s in need of our support.
Won’t you join me in lifting up Sara? And her awesome hubby who is taking care of her babies for her while she’s in the hospital trying to get well?
Thanks, y’all. You rock. I knew I could count on you!
Yes, I will pray! Thank you for sharing this with us.
Keeping her and the family in my prayers! I had a similar thing happen to me when my daughter was 3 months old and breast feeding, so I know what she is going through.
OH…I will!
sandy toe
I'm new to your blog, and I love it. I will definitely be praying for your cousin.
{Prayers go out to Sara!} I will continue to pray until I hear she's better.
I am praying for Sara. Right now.
I cannot thank all of you enough. We were lucky that the doctors all agreed it would be best if the baby roomed in with us, so he was with us for almost all the hospital stay.