Need a few last minute gift ideas? I’m sure there will be a few people out there that are still not finished with their shopping at the time I post this… and of course, there might even be some who plan to purchase AFTER the holidays when you have a little ‘fun money’ from grandma and grandpa to spend. There are usually some pretty deep discounts to be found after Christmas when retailers are trying to lure shoppers back in to clear out the overstocked shelves.
I can tell you what we have on our wish lists here at the Bee household. I wonder if they will get checked off in the next few days? We have some very wonderful and generous grandparents in the family (my kids have four sets). I’ll tell you what we are wishing for at the bottom of this post. But first, I wanted to mention a few things that we received in the mail to review. These are some of my favorite things we have gotten through my blog and I wanted to share them with you for the holidays because we loved them.
Disclosure: We got these free of charge. The opinions expressed about them are my own.
The first item is a groovy TOY for your kiddos:
These are little pint sized robot bugs that vibrate at such a high speed that they appear to move like roaches – quickly scurrying across your hard-surfaced flooring. My kids have a few of them and they like to put them in a metal cookie sheet and have Hexbug wars. The one that falters the longest when it is knocked over is OUT and the last bug crawling wins. However, all of the bugs eventually pop themselves back up to a standing position – which is their neatest feature! My bug-loving boy is nuts about these.
You can even register your Hex Bug like a Webkins and play games online. My son calls it the “cooler, boy-version of Webkins”.
Hex Bugs are made by the creators of VEX. You robotics kids will appreciate that. Shoot, you robotics kids probably already have them.
To learn more about Hex Bugs, check out the website:
You can get them at Radio Shack, Toys R Us, or here at Amazon:
The second item is a ‘go-go-gadget’ tool for the handy man in your life:
Oh, my dear these are cool. I actually know the dude who designed this little gadget. Can you believe that? It’s a keychain, a Philips and a flathead screwdriver, and a bottle cap opener! And it fits in your pocket. HOLY COW, is that not a cool guy stocking stuffer or WHAT?!
See that little tip on the end of it? It pops out and has one type of screwdriver on each end. The flathead is a bit more sharp – so you’ll want to stick it back inside the tube when you are done working with it and carry it with the Phillips pointing out.
This is also pretty cool: “When you take the screwdriver tip out, the empty shaft can then be used as a hexagonal 1/4″ nut driver for tightening loose bolts.” In case you didn’t notice, that’s ‘Guy Language’. So, if you buy one of these, you’ll want to memorize that line to tell the guy you give it to… so you can impress him, of course.
I don’t think Amazon carries these little guys yet, but if you want one, check out my ad in my ‘recommended stuff’ section (top right sidebar). I’m sure my friends will be delighted if you order one.
The last item is a music CD for the cute little toddler or baby in your life that likes wrapping paper better than gifts:
Taft Brown – How Now Brown Cow
I got this awesome CD in the mail a while back. I have been meaning to post about it for like, ever. It has the cutest kid songs on it. They say it is for younger kids, but my big kids adore it, too. Just check out these titles:
Socks with Crocs (too funny!)
How Now Brown Cow (about the glory of milk-based products… MMMMMmmmm!)
Bye-Bye Tricycle (about a brave young boy who graduates from training wheels to a real bike)
All Cleaned Up (the bath song – I love it!)
Super Dooper Day
We find ourselves singing these songs all the time. Bath time with baby isn’t the same without hearing “All Cleaned Up”. “Socks With Crocs” is what sold me on it, though. Pure stinkin’ genius.
If you want to buy one of these groovy CDs, you can do so on Amazon at this link:
Disclosure: I’m an Amazon affiliate, so I might actually make a penny or three if you purchase it through my site.
All of these items are exceptional products and super gifts. They have the Bee thumbs-up for sure.
Man, I need some Photoshop for those wrinkles and yellow teeth. And no, these photos have nothing to do with this post. I just had to share that tear. I’m not sure it’s safe to look at that face it’s attached to. It does things to you. Warm, fuzzy, squishy, happy things.
As for our personal wish lists this year… here’s what we all were hoping to find under the tree:
Papa Bee
Academy Gift Certificates (saving up for his gun)
Mama Bee
Academic Superstore Gift Certificates (saving up for Photoshop)
A Shoot & Share Camera (Papa Bee got me one so I could have it before Christmas – and we ended up buying the Kodak Vi8 after researching them)
Michael Kors Cologne (I love love love this stuff)
Electric can opener (cuz I’m tired. Oh, so tired.)
Bee Boy
Amazon Gift Certificates (saving up for Zune HD 32gb)
Bee Girl
Amazon Gift Certificates (saving up for Zune HD 32gb)
Wall-E and Up soundtrack music
Baby Bee
GATE to keep him from falling down stairs
New car seat (since he’s about as heavy as his current one will allow)
Tub toys
Tomy Chicks & Eggs
If you read all this to the end, and you want one of those really cool key rings up there, leave me a comment and tell me who you would give it to. I’ll pick a winner and have my buddy who designed them mail you one! If you really love me, I’ll know. Because this is a stealth give-away post. I’m tricky like that.
Don’t ever say I didn’t give you somethin’ for Christmas.
I think my boys would like the little bugs. I know the cats would.
Cool tool idea for hubbies.
Let us know how the baby is. He such a cutie.
Love that thingie! I'd give it to my techie husband, of course 🙂
What cool stuff that I have never heard of. I would love the really cool key rings for my dear hubby who loves all kinds of tools. He has been laid off since October so we don't have any gifts for this year.
Have a very blessed Christmas!
Apopka FL
Definitely goes to the 25 year old son, Joel. It's either this or a pair of sweatpants. I'm pretty sure he'd rather have the cool tool!
Wrinkles? What wrinkles? Talk to me when you're on the downhill side of your 40th decade, my friend. You have no wrinkles. At least mine are smile and laughing wrinkles. But they're still wrinkles. Sigh.
You are sweet to have a Christmas giveaway! My hubby would sure love one of those super duper cool key ring things with all the neat attachments. You can tell I know the "cool-dude" jargon–hehehe! He's a handy-man, construction worker of sorts and we've started a new church in our town with a building that was gutted. We're spending lots of time up there working and we had some cool pepsi bottles (with pepsi in them) donated and they have the old timey bottle caps–so we desperately need an opener. One on a key ring would not get lost in all the other paraphernalia we have sitting around as we do sheetrock and painting and electrical and build a nursery, etc., etc.
Thanks for the opportunity for a fun free gift!
Merry CHRISTmas from my family to yours. Love all your posts.
Dawn Gray
See my blogs at: &
I'd probably give it to my husband since he is the only man/boy in my life but to be perfectly honest, I actually think I might like one for myself! LOL
My hubby would love that cool gadget. He is a mechanic and loves his tools. He would be very appreciative to get something new to add to his hard working collection. Thank you so much for offering a gift to one lucky READER! I hope you have a very Merry Christmas. Thank you for blessing us all year with your blog!
Those little bugs are really cool. Hmmm… maybe next year. 🙂
The key chain would be for hubby of course. Tools are totally his thing. Love the stealthy giveaway post.
Merry Christmas!
Hmmmm…I think my older brother would enjoy that tool!
That is some cool stuff. Boyo is geting some Hexbugs -I think, I forgot what I ordered and they won't be in before Xmas 🙁 That is a cool tool!!!
I know just the guy who'd love one of those key rings! BTW chick, you do not need photoshop! Besides photoshop makes people look …not like people.
V. cool…probably hubs. 🙂
Those little bugs are too cool. The boys would like that.
P.S. What wrinkles???? 🙂 xox
Oooh! Oooh! Pick me, pick me! My hubby would SO love that cool "go-go gadget" and since his birthday is January 9th, it would be perfect!
Just wanted you to know you were loved!
I'll look at those hexbugs for my nephew's birthdya. Thanks.
I would have to get one for my hubby, although my boy will take it away from him and try it on everything in the house.
I would give that cool "thingy" tool/keyring to my son – he loves small gadgets. I loved the picture of your baby tear – what a cutie.
Our anniversary is a week before Christmas. My husband got me an HP Mini and then for Christmas? He got me a new blackberry. Whoot! What did I get him, you may ask? Nothing. Nada. Zilch. I thought we were broke, not buying electronics! I would give that handy dandy tool to my husband and apologize. Again.