Hard to imagine this little guy sick, right? Or my big guy, either – poor 12 year old Kaden is feeling miserable today. The baby can hardly nurse for all the gunk in his nose and Kaden is feeling so bad that he asked me for medicine that would make him SLEEP.
School is on slow-mo around here with all these illnesses and distractions. We’re doing as much as we can get done despite the need for tissues and medicine. I have some errands to run today and Chickie is watching the ‘snotty wans’ so Morgan and I can get some necessary things done. We are heading to the post office to mail a few things, to the bank to drop off a check, and to pick up burgers. Mmmmm. If you know me, you’ll know that my middle name should have been ‘cheeseburger’.
Anyway, I have a few last minute gift items that I think are really neat to blog about… all of them were review items that I’ve been enjoying – and you have just got to hear about them. I’ll try to get them to you by tomorrow. Until then, send us warm chicken-soup, get-well wishes and put us on your prayer list if you think about it. I know my two little boys would appreciate it!
poor guy! his eyes look sleepy. praying for quick recovery.
I'm making some homemade chicken noodle soup tonight for dinner. Would you like me to send some to you in an email? 🙂 Hope everyone feels better soon!
Praying for you and the health of your family. ~K
such a cutie patootie! sorry you're dealing with sickies at your house. 🙁
I'm so sorry about your little sicky baby! That is NO fun. We've had so many Christmases with sick babies and it's always such a bummer. We have been praying like crazy this entire month at Bedtime that God would keep all of us healthy for Christmas this year. So far so good.
But I have been through it so much… I completely feel for you.
I also wanted to ask you a question and I couldn't find anywhere else to ask you, so I'm asking here… forgive me… it's completely off subject.
I would like to make some badges for my blog like your little one that says "Spread the Honey", where you then offer the code so others can grab it.
I've already made the badges in Photoshop, but I'm wondering now how you get code for them???
Can you help me?