I don’t know about you, but I have been inundated with spam comments in the past month. I spend more time deleting them than I ever have in the past… and time is precious. So, I am finally forced to add an additional layer of spam filtering to the comments section. Not sure that with Blogger I have any other option. Maybe one day I’ll get rich and move over to Word Press. Until then, I heartily apologize (again! I’m on a roll!) for the delay that your comments will now have to endure.
I just don’t think I can take another Russian or Chinese comment (that I can’t even understand)… or another link to who knows where giving themselves free advertising.
Please don’t let that deter you from commenting. Every single one of your notes finds it’s way snug in my email in-box and is heartily cherished – just like a warm bowl of chicken soup for the soul. Even if I can’t find time to get back in here to respond, I usually email back if you include your email address.
Leaving a comment to see what happens after I updated the spam filter…
I get so frustrated by the spamming that goes on. I got spammed on my twitter and it was terrible! I almost decided to drop my twitter account b/c it was so bad. Just irritates me so much.
Anyway, I definitely understand adding additional filters!
Hope you have a great weekend!
Hopefully it will die down soon…maybe after the holidays?? I have been getting the same type of Spam comment to one particular post. So this morning I not only reject the comment for the 5th time this week,but I went in and closed comments for THAT one post.
After the 3rd day I decided to take note of what post they were trying to comment on. the 3rd, 4th, and 5th day (today) was the same post. That's why I decided to close comments for THAT post. I'm hoping that will stop it!
I'm thankful that I have comment moderation on and that I have to approve every comment before it shows up. It saves my blog readers from having to see the garbage and it's easier to remove something that was never posted on the blog then something that was posted on the blog. LOL
At the same time I hate that I have to deal with the spam. So I'm really hoping that by closing comments to that one particular post I have stopped it.
I barely post on my blog and I've been getting the foreign language ones too. Glad I moderate all comments.
Glad to know I'm not the only one dealing with all those doggone spam comments!
Girl! You said it!
I'm on wordpress…(and by the way I'm quite poor) and I get spam everyday too… mostly from Russia.
My blog has only been up for two months, so I don't have very many visitors or commentors yet. One day about three weeks ago when I checked my comments early in the morning there were 45!!! I was so excited… I thought some sort of blogging miracle had happened while I was sleeping and my site had become an overnight hit! I was wrong. 41 of those comments were spam from Russia.
You are not alone!
Rachymommy – MommyTopics.com
AwwwwwwwwwwwwwI want to hold this sweet baby and comfort him!
Maybe one day I will. 🙂
I've been getting a lot of spam comments too.
I'm at wordpress and LOVE it. It costs me $15.00 a year. Is there a program at wordpress that is more expensive that has more options???
Take care,
I understand. I've had the same problem for a while there.
forgot to add: I'm at http://www.crumbsonmyfloor.com
I have to say that since I closed comments to that one post that seem to target the spam I haven't had any spam comments. Granted it's been only 3 days. However 3 days no spam is better then having spam every day like I had last week. 🙂
I've got people going to really old entries with spam comments. Driving me crazy. I'm sorry that you are getting them too but I'm glad to know I'm not the only one.