I’m doing it. I’m starting a gratitude list. I figure if it can change Ann’s life (and look how great she is), it can change mine, too. I don’t want to be known as a complainer (something that is so easy to do when we are looking at what we DON’T HAVE rather than what we have). I certainly don’t want to teach my kids to be whiners, either.
I want to be happy. And anyone who has watched Veggie Tales knows that “A thankful heart is a happy heart.” I want to be thankful no matter the circumstance. I want to be the person that someone says about once they are gone, “You know, she never had a bad word to say about anyone or anything.”
Let my voice be an instrument of praise, Lord. Let it always bring You glory and honor.
So here’s my very first official Multitude Monday as part of Ann’s Gratitude Community:
1. Forgiveness and restoration through the blood of Christ. My life turned from dim to bright even though I didn’t deserve it.
2. This Child; who gave me spiritual and physical life, spiritual and physical children…
3. This coming Holiday – the celebration of the true gift of heaven – that He would put on this flesh, this pain and trouble – for me.
4. Family … hands and feet to share the burden and hearts to multiply the joys.
5. (my new “Wookie” boots aren’t bad, either – half off at Payless Shoes per a twitter buddy)
6. New little eyes and fingers (and chins?) discovering the world… meeting the Christmas tree for the first time…
7. Lover of my soul. One True God.
8. Husband, partner… “Best friends with benefits”…
9. My children. Beautiful little people – something wonderful and new from the depths of your heart and womb – life’s moving, breathing, changing, growing masterpiece.
10. Smiles. Connecting lines from face to heart… righting the downs with lips turned up, inviting you to participate in the shared happiness of others…
11. Angels watching over.
12. Acceptance despite flaws. Good to know that imperfection is still lovely and useful.
srsly yummy photos!! I'm totally inspired by your grateful post!!
Nice shots! Love the Bokeh!
You really should join us for the 2010 365 Project gonna be fun! Details on my blog.
P.S. you need to update the button! 🙂
What beautiful photos! I especially love the last one revealing imperfections.
Thank you!
Oh, Heather!
Your heart praising Him, your photographs giving Him all glory (those smiles, that bokeh! that sweet little chin!), your song of thanks that makes me bend the knee and worship too…
You live a *blessed* life, my friend….
Truly beautiful… reflecting His Beauty.
All's grace,
Thanks guys. 😉 It felt a lot better to worship and praise than get in my pity today. That's for sure!
What a great post of thankfulness. And I love the correlating pictures with bokeh and all!! You inspire me.
I needed to read this tonight.
What would I do if I couldn't read Sprittibee? I don't want to know! 🙂 I really enjoy your posts and thought I'd tell you so.
🙂 Awww shucks, y'all. Thank you for the kind comments. That last one there was even a poem!
I too do the muiltitude Monday and have been so blessed….I'm glad to see other's joining and I was blessed by your praise!
Your photos are amazing! I'm going to share your site with my daughter, an aspiring photographer. 🙂
-Christina S.
Homeschooling Mom
LessonPathways.com Team Member