I suspect there’s at least a few of you out there wondering…
Well, I’m kind of wondering, too. One day it just vanished. And all that was left was this nasty error sign on the hsbapost.com domain. From what I hear, GoDaddy is supposed to be working at restoring the site, but I’m not hearing much.
I refuse to panic.
Luckily, we got the 2009 Blog Awards over with and the swap sisters paired before all these unfortunate turn of events. It’s given me such a bad taste in my mouth, I haven’t even been wanting to blog over here – on BLOGGER – where it seems it is much safer.
One wonders if a back-up of the blog needs to be made on a more regular basis. And I’m still wondering if there was enough of a back up made to salvage the Homeschool Post?
Time will tell. In the mean time, I’m going to enjoy my holiday.
And… my new swap gifts!
I got the privilege of swapping with TWO wonderful ladies since there wasn’t an even number of swappers this time. That worked out nicely for me. Although… I think they went over their spending limit! Naughty swappers! Or is that extra-nice swappers?
I’ll let you be the judge:
Here’s what Lynn got me…
She made that card herself. And there were actually three chocolate bars (Italian milk chocolate), but someone – who wants to remain nameless – stole one.
There’s DARK chocolate and peppermint coated popcorn in that little Moose Munch box. Oh, yeah, baby. Come to mama.
And did you notice the coasters? How cool is that? You put your own photos in them. That’s a picture of Kaden and Morgan many Christmases ago.
Then there were TWO books.
Just for mom.
She really knows how to pack a swap present!
Thanks Lynn!
Here’s what Bren got me...
Aren’t those beads lovely? I heart chunky bead necklace, bracelet and earring sets. The bath salts are nice, too. I already used half of the pack.
Bren was a fast swapper. Her present actually got here first. In fact, it has been a while since I got it and I can’t remember if there were munchies in the box that I ate before we took pictures or not.
I’ve eaten my weight in holiday goodies already this season. My mom is a piano teacher and she keeps bringing home cookies, cakes, loaves of bread, candies, etc. She shares her sweets with me since she’s diabetic and would be in a coma if she didn’t. How nice of her, eh?
I’m never going to fit in my jeans for our family present-opening frenzy.
But at least I’ll look great wearing Bren’s groovy blue and green beads! I already wore them to church last week. I got a few compliments and my daughter has threatened to steal them. I took her to Goodwill and bought her a stack of jeans, a skirt, and a shirt to buy some time. Don’t worry, Bren… I’ll hide them in my closet.
It sure was nice to open some gifts early this Christmas. Swapping is awesome. And of course, it beats opening the bills any day.
I csn NOT believe that it's still gone!
Yes, DEFINITELY back up more frequently right?? Get one of those handy plugins that will do it for you, weekly or daily even.
Beautiful gifts! Love love LOVE the blue and green necklace. Lovely.
Hey there stop by my blog if you have a second not a long post, but one you inspired me to write awhile ago…it wasn't until now that He had me do so…
I was wondering where it went! I went there the other day to check it out more and yep, an ugly error message! Hope they get it up and running for you soon.
I am so glad you liked your gifts.. 🙂 I didn't go over my limit 🙂 I am just frugal… Merry Christmas…
Wishing you a very Merry Christmas.
May The Peace Of Our Lord Be With You.
I just wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas. i noticed on your Twitter sidebar that your baby is not feeling well. Your family is in our prayers.
Love in Christ,
Thanks so much for the prayers. 😉 I took babysita to the doc today and he doesn't have an ear infection. He said that babies get night terrors sometimes (my husband had those as a kid) and also it could be teething that caused his screaming last night (he is cutting some top teeth now that aren't through the gums yet). We'll see if the 1/2 teaspoon of claritin doesn't help him (he said he could take claritin or zyrtec – zyrtec being the stronger of the two). I'm going to buy some meds after dinner tonight.
Such wonderful goodies for you! I'm so glad you like your gifts. I had fun picking the jewelry out. I'm sure you look divine in them!
I am so glad he doesn't have an ear infection!
Our son has had night terrors since he was four (he is now 11 and they are finally slowing down) We have tried all sorts of things from greater T.V. restrictions(even though we are already very conservative) to dietary changes to supplements.
Still praying it through, but I will add your little one to my prayers as well in hopes that you fare better!
God bless and have a Merry Christmas!
Love in Christ,