People don’t like to be ignored. Babies, tweens, mommies… it makes no difference who they are.
Deadlines don’t like to be ignored, either.
Or chores.
Or paperwork. Or schoolwork.
Or good-lookin’ 30-something year old daddies that are having their 17 year wedding anniversaries in the near future.
Too bad that blogs are not high on the list of priorities, and they have to get “icknored” sometimes.
I’ve been in a state of ‘urgent’ around here for the past year, it seems… and it gets a little crazy keeping all my plates spinning. This year I vowed to eliminate some of the plates. Problem is, they are all so shiny and pretty.
While I figure that out (would love your prayers on that one)… please let me sneak out of here with half my brain tied behind my back – duck out the back door… while you read these amazing posts by other awesome bloggers:
How To Avoid Life Crashes (Stop!) by Ann Voskamp (blowing her warm Texas kisses to melt the Canadian frost – she saves me more often than she knows – all Praise to Him, of course)
Shopping in Your Own Kitchen by Connie at Smockity Frocks (be sure to let Life as Mom know that you love her new design!) Cheaper meal times are a bigger deal more than ever these days – even though your government doesn’t want you to think our economy is in trouble.
Check out Susie Harris‘ blog. I’m sorry to say that I just discovered her – proving that I really am the last one to know most everything. Pretty things. Crafty fingers. Lovely!
Why Nobody Cares About Your Blog – by Problogger (He has the best articles. Seriously. 135 Thousand readers can’t be wrong.)
Wanna know who’s going to #Blissdom in Tennessee this February? Check out this ‘unofficial’ list at Simply His. I’m itching to put my name on the roll (with like a TON of my invisible blogging friends)… but I’m still trying to figure out how God is going to dump the $800 I need for sponsorship in my lap. I already said today on Twitter that I was going to cry if I end up not being able to go. But I’m not giving up yet…
… wanna sponsor me? If so – just click the button on the top of this blog that says CONTACT. Because I SO want to hear from you!
I just love Mizz Darcy. I also love looking at old pictures of bloggers. And just looking at Darcy and her amazing photog hubby’s pictures in general. And I also love it when bloggers let you in on the ‘real them’. Cuz we’re all just a bunch of techy geeks on the inside – hoping that everyone else won’t figure it out. Go read Darcy’s post about ‘things you should know before you attend the Blissdom blogging conference‘. When you are done, then go read Edie’s. Super stuff. Just super.
While you read all those great posts, I’ll get back to my school planning… chores… and cuddle time with these wonderful kids. Mommy’s attentions are needed elsewhere tonight…
You'll never regret spending time with your sweeties. It's so important to remember what our priorities should be/are. (I'm talking to myself, too, here).
Thanks for the laughter! Just seeing you "throw" that in there about good-looking 30 something year old daddies… you're such a hoot! 🙂
Love the links! I've been worrying about all my plates recently too:) Just keep praying!
Thank you so much for linking! I'm crossing my fingers that you get to go to Blissdom! I would love to spend more than 3.7 minutes with you this time!
I really hope you get to go too. It would be great to meet you!
I LURVE that picture! It fits so perfectly!
I sure hope you get to go too!!! 🙂