A week or so ago, I didn’t imagine that it was possible to raise enough money to go to Blissdom. I had high hopes and a few people rooting for me, so I prayed about it and I decided to step out in faith.
What has happened has been amazing. People have really reached out to help get me and my awesome kids (and my super-awesome mama/babysitter) to Blissdom! I wanted to shout out a preliminary thanks to everyone who has made my Blissdom dream a reality…
First of all, there are my blog friends that have donated towards the cause:
Gracefull Girl – Brenna gave me my first donation and a slap on the hiney to get this old horse moving. When there was a huge wall in front of me, she told me to pray – God would move it. I love her.
Simply Amusing Designs – Karen does amazing things with pixels. She designed my business cards for free. She was going to be my roommate, but her hubby got bad news about his employment, so she wasn’t able to go to Blissdom. I’m so bummed to be going without her.
Adventures of a Quirky Mom – Nikowa is a huge cheerleader to so many women at Heart of the Matter. She says she wouldn’t feel comfortable at a blog conference because she’d have one or the other of her feet in her mouth. HA! If only she could see me and my stammering self. You had better be planning to attend Relevant, girl!
Mommy Matters, These Small Hours, and edifyathome.com… you humble me with your kind words and the graciousness of helping this mama get to Tennessee. I’m so very thankful.
Then there are these great companies that have partially sponsored me for the funds needed to attend the conference (I’m taking my kids and my mom with me so it is a bit more expensive – but necessary with a sweet nursing baby):
springpad – @springpad on Twitter
“Springpad is a free personal organizer to save and use just about anything — recipes, products, restaurants, ideas, notes, articles, and more.” It works a little like Evernote, but has some features that are unique. I’m learning more as I go and plan to do a review and demo of this site soon. In the mean time, if you sign up for your own free account, be sure to ‘follow‘ me. A lot of my info is private, but I am planning to post coupons and recipes and other things I find interesting to share there as I get more acquainted with all of springpad’s features.
ERGObaby – @ERGObaby on Twitter
I’m thrilled to have ERGObaby donating a baby carrier towards our trip. They might not be sponsoring me financially, but they’ll make the load a whole lot lighter on my back! I plan on toting the ‘cookie taster’ around in the amazingly large Opryland Hotel, and I’ve been told that comfortable shoes are a MUST. ERGObaby might be the difference between me surviving this trip or not, because my little man is nearly 24 lbs. already at 10 months!
You would be doing me a big favor if you followed my sponsors on Twitter!
Last but not least, there’s Alli Worthington – the main diva of Blissfully Domestic (who’s really not fussy at all, despite her blog’s title). I can’t say enough about her. She has the biggest heart and does magic things for bloggers. This conference is a testament to her amazing love for bloggin mamas and her wonderful personality. A five-HUNDRED person event – SOLD OUT. The voices on the ‘blogosphere’ are truly making a difference in the world. Alli is leading the way and helping so many to take part in open conversations with brands – to speak for YOU, the consumer. I just love her. While she didn’t donate to my Blissdom paypal drive, she is truly one of the people who made this happen for me, and I wanted to list her as a sponsor because she has cheered me on from the beginning. Thanks Alli!
I hope to add to this sponsor list soon. I’m still needing about 350$ in funds so I don’t end up putting any of our trip on my nearly maxed out credit card. This year has been a rough one with medical expenses, diapers, cut bonuses and no raises. The economic situation hasn’t helped, either. It wouldn’t be wise to add any more to our debt. I’m believing that God will work out the final details.
I’m so excited that I’ll be going to Blissdom. I’m living the bloggin’ gal’s dream. That’s something a lot of non-blogging people can’t understand, to be sure… but you bloggers know what I’m talking about. It’s great to hang with your hommies.
I'll see you there my friend! So excited you are able to attend!
I'm so tickled it all is working out for you all to go! God certainly does work it out.
Ya'll have a big ole time and take some awesome pictures to share. I'll be following right along with ya on Twitter while I'm down watching those race cars go round and round.
God is amazing! I know you will have an incredible time. Congratulations and I hope to get the chance to say hi!
Girl, You made me cry.
I love the blogosphere. I used to read you years ago when I was homeschooling, I was amazed by your awesomeness.
Now we are friends.
This world is so amazing.
I am so excited for you! God ALWAYS provides in ways we could never dream! (Remind me of that next time I am worrying my life away!) 🙂
that is GREAT! how i wish a few things would come through for me.
Such a great post i like it very much, its wonderful.
Relevant? I'm going to Google that 🙂
Thanks for the shout out girl… I hope you have loads of fun.
So excited you are able to attend!
Work from home India