As a parent, we have all wanted to be able to be in two places at one time. Right? Haven’t you wanted to be able to snuggle your child while also wanted to spend time alone with your husband? Or make a baseball game and a friend’s birthday party?
Yep. Not possible.
We all have tried. We’ll push ourselves to the max and drive everyone around us crazy as betsy bugs trying with all of our might to do all that we can. Pack as much in a day as we can. Help everyone we are able to help. Enjoy as many things as possible. But, we still can’t be in two places at once. We sometimes just have to miss one thing to be able to do another.
Well, that was sadly the predicament that I was in. I seriously wanted to go to Blissdom in Nashville to learn all I could about bloggy sweetness. I wanted to meet all my online buds to give them a real life hug. But, I couldn’t. My family had planned a trip to the Daytona 500 a while back. You see, we have reserved camping slots and go every year with our friends. It’s a great week for our family. We look forward to it for months.
When Heather heard how much I sure did want to be at Blissdom but couldn’t, she offered to take me with her. (She’s just awesome like that!) How in the world you ask? Well, have you seen the Flat Friends that Cathe made for Tidy Mom? The story goes that Tidy Mom wasn’t able to make it to Blissdom, so her friend Cathe made a Tidy Mom Flat Friend so she could take Tidy Mom along to Blissdom with her. She didn’t want her friend to miss out. (Much like Flat Stanley travels our children love to read about.)
So off my flat friend went to Heather and Heather’s flat friend came to me. Now, not only do I get to have a great week with my family, I get to be at Blissdom in some way. And better yet, Heather gets to check out all the NASCAR fun and she never even knew she wanted to go!
And knowing Heather, she’ll find a way to get into all sorts of things while she’s there!
{Robyn is providing a guest post. You can find Robyn at Our Homeschool Home and @RobynOHSH}
LOL YEAH!!! I'm so glad you're fabulous flat self is there too!! LOL
Cathe set up a flickr group- you and Heather can add pictures too
Hopefully we'll "see" each other in Nashville!!
How funny! I've always beena fan of Flat Stanley.