Are you feeling the icy sting of winter in your homeschool? Maybe it’s time for a ‘refresher’. That’s just what the Heart of the Matter Online Homeschool Conference offers. You should see some of the wonderful topics they are covering – and some of the great speakers they have lined up. Seriously. Click over and check it out!
Are your feet dragging? Do you need a little pick-me-up? Winter is wrapping up and we are anxious for spring — for green, for sunshine, for life, for a little oomph in our homeschool day. It’s easy to get bogged down and for things to turn hum-drum.
A Woman Inspired and Heart of the Matter Online are excited to bring you a Homeschool Refresher conference that is sure to give you a boost. This conference will feature some speakers chosen specifically for their ability to revive, rejuvenate, and renew the hearts and minds of their audience. You are sure to walk away motivated and inspired to achieve great things!
I’m humbled (and even laughing hysterically – at myself and the irony of it all) that they asked Dawn and I to speak. When I asked Amy Stults if she was crazy, she simply said “No, what would you like to speak on? We love you.”
I told her, “Well, I have been considering renaming my blog to ‘How NOT to Homeschool’. Would you like me to talk about that?”
Amazingly, she said yes!
Dawn and I are thrilled to always cover the bottom feeder topics for you (we did a session on Burnout a few years back) – and I can see how that might be inspiring. At least you know beyond a shadow of a doubt after hearing our Southern-twang selves that you are doing a better job than at least two homeschool moms, right?
Or maybe I shouldn’t lump Dawn in to my pity party. After all, she is teaching classes at Classical Conversations, carting her big kids to band and cross country, and has a biggun’ in college.
Maybe it’s just me.
Anyway, I need this conference just as bad as anyone – maybe the most. So I agreed to talk about homeschool warts… figuratively of course. And I want YOU to be there. As long as you don’t throw any tomatoes.
Amy and Amy – the Amies – gave me a few tickets to give away to the conference which starts next week. Whether they gave those tickets to me a month ago and I sat on the email is an entirely unrelated matter.
Want to attend? You can be there in your PJs and you don’t need child care!
Here’s how to win:
All comments MUST be ENTERED BY TOMORROW AT 6PM. Yep. Lightning fast give-away. Sorry!
Winner will be picked tomorrow evening and posted around 9pm tomorrow night.
Leave me a COMMENT on THIS POST for EACH of the following methods of entry:
1. Tell me your tips on ‘How Not to Homeschool’ in a comment and I might quote you! I need all the advice I can get. Seriously.
2. Tweet this give-away, linking this post with #hotmconf in your tweet.
3. Follow my blog or let me know you are already following (you can do so via feed or Google Friend)
Pass the word on. The more the merrier – I have THREE tickets to give away!
Consider me entered with this comment!! I'm off to spread the word, too.
Okay, I'm not here to win the ticket, but I'm laughing hysterically over "Dawn and I are thrilled to always cover the bottom feeder topics for you." There's a lot of truth in that statement, huh?
I'm actually in the middle of writing a post where I'm asking for some help with our topic, too!
And I certainly belong in your pity party!
So how exactly does one participate in an online conference? (I haven't ever done that before.)
Hmm.. how NOT to homeschool..
Thou shalt not homeschool exactly like every other homeschooling parent you know all in one combined.
Thou shalt not homeschool exactly as your inlaws (and other family members)say that it should be done.
Thou shalt listen to all the other opinions for ideas and discard everything that doesn't work for you.
Thou shalt not homeschool.. and doubt yourself on the stances you take on number one and number two.
That's just off the top of my head! I'm sure you two will do GREAT! And of course I follow your blog and of course I'm going to tweet it, too. =)
Having the expectation of a clean home at all times doesn't work well or thinking that you can pee without a child following you or banging on the bathroom door.
would love a ticket!
Oh, I guess I should tell you I subscribe to your blog in a separate comment huh?
I do!
And I tweeted it, too:
Ok, my req's are filled. ;0)
I haven't even started homeschooling yet, and I'm already overwhelmed! My oldest is 5 in a couple of months and I think we're going to start over the summer.
I'd love to win a ticket! I have 5 million questions…
Thanks for the opportunity!
And I tweeted it…
(I'm Mama Laundry on Twitter)
Oh! I'd love a ticket to this! How NOT to Homeschool…
-Sit at the computer and expect your kids to just do their school work
-Hide the kids from the world lest they actually see what real life is like
-Set an inflexible schedule, rather than pay attention to which methods work best for YOUR particular child
-Force all of your children to do things exactly the same way
-Change curriculums three times a year "in case they might miss something"
-Finish each and every textbook because you MUST FINISH
That's what I can come up with on the fly here… 🙂
An on-line homeschool conference sounds wonderful. Let's see…How Not to Homeschool:
–follow every piece of advice you get about homeschooling.
–don't follow any advice you get about homeschooling.
–change your schedule and/or curriculum every time you see something interesting that other homeschool families are doing.
–don't join any homeschool support groups.
–involve your children in every available homeschool group and activity available in your area, whether they have any interest in the activity or subject matter or not.
Can I enter for a friend that *gasp* doesn't homeschool? She is newer and really could use this.
Some "NOT" ideas:
Do not worry about the month on the calendar. Homeschool can happen in any month – or not in that month. It's OK
Do not compare your child to a school child.
Do not worry about switching a curriculum mid year – or even if it worked great with the first child and not so great with the second – that is the glory of homeschooling – we can adjust to meet the needs of each child.
Well, I wrote a post about this last year, but it was more mistakes I've personally made, they probably wouldn't apply to normal people. 🙂
Here it is:
And I follow your blog already 🙂
I've been a long time follower! And I just tweeted about it… I'd LOVE to attend!
Don't put the public school time constraints on your homeschool! I used to beat myself up for not being done at the "3 o'clock bell". But not anymore. With 5 kids, ages 12 and under, I have to go with flow and know it's okay if we're still working on math in the evenings!
I tweeted! @roseatwater
I became an RSS follower!
I tweeted! @afewshortcuts
I am still learning How to NOT homeschool since this is my first year!
I do know that you MUST have a schedule set.If not the day just goes crazy!
I tweeted AND i am following you now! 🙂
Okay , this is it I've been following for a couple months now. I'm in the middle of decide if homeschool works for me I have a boy (13 ) and girl (11) plus a toddler (16 months) Am I too crazy to strat homescooling them now? I definitely could use a ticket , Thanks . BTW I love your blog
Ok I say "Don't have a lets just see what you want to do today attitude!" Try to have somewhat of a plan. With out it you might just do nothing….not that that has ever happen at my home!!! {{{smiles}}}
I'm adding you to my iGoogle page
I'm following you now 🙂
Be sure to have a schedule…I have learned that the hard way!
Just found your blog today and LOVE IT!! I am now a follower (email subscriber) thanks!
Just tweeted!!
I just TWEET!!!
Aw, you got my comments on that group list, didnt' you? Ok, I'll repeat them here…
Don't underestimate your kids' potential, ie, 'grade level' is not your god.
Don't overthink curriculum. Stick with the 3 Rs and DON'T neglect math and lots of reading good literature, fiction and non.
Now I'll go comply with the rest of your contest requirements. 🙂
Love ya!
I tweeted for you! @jkbaxter612
I'm a follower! 😉
After some time of random stopping by, I am now a follower 🙂
How not to homeschool: Don't expect your 8 yr old boy to choose school work over video games on his own! (That one's common sense–although I had to learn it the hard way! lol) Game time is limited now…and waits til *after* school work is done.
I follow your blog
I tweeted the giveaway
I get your email feeds. Thats how I found out about this.
Wow! I want in. I'm seriously thinking about homeschooling my boys and have been doing ALOT of research it on it. I've even posted lately on my thoughts and findings.I've never been to hs conference.
Don't worry about doing everything your curriculum manual says. If your child knows it skip it. We don't need any "busy work".
I get your email feeds
this is my first year homeschooling…and i must say trying to teach a set cirriculm is a big no no.. work at the childs pace and they learn so much more.
i'm a subscriber, love your blog,
I tweeted this for ya, a few times!
…and you know I'm already subscribed to yer blog!
I tweeted @SomewhatCrunchy
Yes, I sure have some thoughts regarding how NOT to homeschool! lol That's one thing I've done well, is figure out what is NOT advantageous! I'll email you asap. 😉 This is a great topic to speak on, that I'm sure will be very helpful to a lot of hs Moms out there. Love it!
I subscribe through Google Reader 🙂
I don't homeschool, so to give advice would be ridiculous! I give it up to you ladies – WOO HOO! But I am a parent educator who coaches moms and often I coach homeschooling moms, so I think this would be a great opportunity for me to learn more, and even….perhaps….the new foster child we are trying to get will even have a homeschooling mama! 🙂
How NOT to homeschool? By:
Expecting too much too soon
Not letting your child choose a topic they're interested in to study
Letting others views and prejudices influence your homeschool life
I re-tweeted your link and thanks for the opportunity! Yea!
Hey I Tweeted this earlier today and commented twice about it here but I don't see either comment showing up. Hope I get this 2nd chance entry!
I am a faithful follower! :o)
How not to homeschool:
1. like you're in public school, and must mark off objectives so as to stay on track of the public school in your neighborhood
2. grumpily, irritated, frustrated, tired, etc. (we are human, and on occasion this is just going to happen…but we must shine the light of Jesus in our school!)
3. lazily–for example, starting school whenever it seems to happen in the duration of the day–if it happens it happens, if ot doesn't it doesn't (again, we will have those occasional days when we just need to let the school day go, but in fairness to our children, we need to be as consistent as possible)
4. without being spiritually fed by the Word of God–we must rise and spend time with the Father, then tend to everyone else
5. without lesson plans or a game plan for the week
Hope this helps, Heather and Dawn!
Hold on… let me send the children to watch TV while I sit here at the computer all day and think about an answer to your question… hmmm… How NOT to homeschool. Sorry, I have no ideas. 😉
(I know the contest is over, but I just couldn't resist!)
– Michelle
Great blog, btw!