The last time I did a Simple Woman’s Journal was July of 2009. We were just starting back to school (or so we thought). Our fun plans for 2009-2010 school year pretty much vanished in a puff of smoke. But the year has been far from unfruitful. Sibling adoration, babbling little brother – standing on his own now – and slobbery kisses… they are all worth schoolish detours the planet over. So as I said in my last post, we brave homeschooling adventurers are charting new territory – starting school over after Christmas (or winter, rather). Just in time for the green of spring… our year-round tribute to learning… after our year-past gift to a little man learning to become mobile in this bright, big, new world. I wouldn’t trade our school schedule this year for all the money in Kuwait.
And now below is my semi-annual Woman’s Daybook contribution. I love the mindless chatter of a good journal entry to start a week off right. Don’t you?
The view from where I sit … dining room table spread with piles of paperwork (there is no escape from paperwork), a stain on the carpet that appeared overnight (sometimes I hate my cats), the hole punch and a ton of school papers that the kids are going to put in binders today, a baby swing that I have listed on Craig’s List, and my old Texaco thermal mug that I have had for nearly 17 years – full of sweet tea.
Outside My Window… Dreary gray and cold outside… trees dreaming of warm sunshine. It rained all night last night and I know the green is coming soon. We had a taste of the sunny weather that is in store for this coming season over the weekend. Already the buds are arriving.
I am thinking… “of all the gazillion things I have to get done if I want to start school this week.” As always. And all of the upcoming events I have to add to my calendar – such as Kohen’s first birthday that’s only 16 days away.
I am thankful for… mechanical pencils, Sesame Street, helpful kids, income tax refunds and bonuses that are already spent
We are learning… on Monday….
DEVO time: how to be more orderly and organized
MATH time: about prime and composite numbers, prime factors for Morgan/fractions for Kaden
GRAMMAR time: capitalization, punctuation, interjections, pronouns, combining sentences
VOCABULARY time: matter, energy, mass, organic, inorganic, molecules, atoms, microscope, substance, composition, protons, neutrons, electrons, nucleus, subatomic, atomic number, atomic mass, quark, isotope, shell, spectrometer, ion, cations, anions
HEALTH time: about our skeletal system
MUSIC time: finding out what song they need to start learning for recital
READING/HISTORY time: finishing a book about Colonial Times, American History, and Bible History, and about learning about Egyptians and famous scientists of the past through researching online
SCIENCE time: about alchemy, Antoine Lavoisier, Add Leucippus, Democritus, Robert Boro, history of the microscope, about the Nobel Prize, John Dalton, J. J. Thomson, about isotopes, Earnest Rutherford, Niels Bohr, electrons and the Bohr Model
ART/CRAFT time: Science notebooks
WRITING time: catch up in poetry notebooks
LIFESKILLS time: caring for baby, chores, help with cooking and menu planning, kitchen inventory
From the kitchen… Today is menu day. We’ve been pretty good about eating at home lately. Daddy has been on a grill streak – hamburger patties this weekend and fish last week. I love his mesquite-grilled Tilapia.
I am wearing… Old Navy again… fuzzy pink sweatsuit with a zipper hoodie. And again, sorry about not having my shoes on, FlyLady. I’ll go put my tennis shoes on after I post this.
I am creating… a monster.
I am going… in circles.
I am reading… all the same books that I was reading last year (they are the kind of books you never finish – like the Bible), and ‘A Sane Woman’s Guide to Raising a Large Family’ by Mary Ostyn
As for homeschooling books… We’re finishing up 3: Carry on Mr. Bowditch, The Light and the Glory, and Adam and His Kin
I am hoping… that the economy doesn’t deflate our property value – since we refinanced our house early last year… my dreams of living in the country depend on not having a huge loss if and when we decide to sell
I am hearing… Yo Gabba Gabba (I’m such a bad mother)
Around the house… we’re anxiously awaiting baby’s nap time while my email boxes silently multiply to infinity
One of my favorite things… my homeschool-life-calendar-list ‘day-planner’ binder that my kids call my “brain” (which needs to be updated today)
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: Vote for conservatives in the Texas polls, learn with my kids, get caught up on grading/calendar/paperwork/bills/decluttering… and blog when I can find a free moment.
Here’s a picture thought that I am sharing:
Life is fast. Free moments are fleeting. I better run…
Love this post! I missed your online conference on homeschooling
:(, but am hoping to get the download when it becomes available!
I love the calmness and serenity of your Simple Woman's Day journals. I also like the joyful color and chaos on other days and your approach to HS is an encouragement as I return to Homeschooling next year. Have a great day!
Kind of funny that we both posted the Simple Woman's Daybook yesterday – especially since we only do it once or twice a year! HA! HA! Great minds.
Can't believe how big the Viking is getting. He's so cute.
Have a blessed week, my dear bee friend. Love ya'! 😀
Could you tell us more about your homeschool-life-calendar-list 'day-planner' binder?
I too get lots of encouragement from your blog. Thanks for being so real and honest!
Happy early birthday to the little guy!