From our little bee hive, we wish you a very wonderful Easter celebration. May God bless your family and light your way. Thank you for visiting here.
P.S. If you wanted something pretty to put on your computer desktop for April , click over and visit the Post. Dawn created desktop calendar that you can download for free.
Happy Easter to you and yours! 🙂
Christ is risen! He is risen indeed!
Happy day after Easter! 🙂
Hey… I was doing a simple google blog search on homeschooling and found this came in second with your name on it:
Is this an old post? I can't imagine Subway yet again is doing one of those "everyone can participate but homeschoolers" contests. But… there was no date on the post. Usually, though, more *recent* posts pop up first.
So I guess I want to know, "What's the deal with this?"
Happy Easter to you and yours! 🙂
hav a successful life:)
Happy Easter to all of you!
MRS. C – Thanks for the heads up on the content miner. No, the Subway post is old and I sent him a message regarding copyright violation:
Asked him to remove my post from his content mining site.