It’s been busy around the hive while we try and finish out our school year between now and the end of August. Our culture fair is this weekend, too – and my kids are preparing a report on India and China. Not a spare moment…
I’m popping in to share a few simple thoughts…
The view from where I sit … papers, books, piles of school work awaiting motion and mind.
Outside My Window… Waving winds on the other side of the glass, bumping and blowing: “Come outside and play!”
I am thinking… that I need to hug on the kids and snuggle with my man on the couch tonight. We’ve got a movie from Netflix to watch.
I am thankful for… my family.
We are learning… about ancient history and Asian cultures, atoms and molecules, how to take better photographs, fractions, new songs on the piano for the upcoming May recital…
From the kitchen… Burgers tonight.
I am wearing… I’m always in jeans when I don’t have my pajamas on… unless it’s Sunday. My striped green shirt makes me look like “Steve”.
I am creating… a menu for the month.
I am going… to Relevant in October. Would you like to sponsor me? It’s a 24 hour drive (one way) and we’re stopping in DC to ‘field trip’ on the way there. We have a cousin that lives in PA that we haven’t seen in a few years that wants to meet up with us in Hershey. I’ve never been to Pennsylvania or Washington DC before.
I am reading… the same books that the kids are reading (loving the ancient history unit we are doing), and I’m going through my 100’s of magazines one day at a time, tearing out the pages that I love, and putting them in folders by topic.
I am hoping… to find time to pay bills tomorrow.
I am hearing… Mrs. Piggy and Kermit in the living room (Daddy and the baby are in there), and scissors and the stapler in here at the dining table (the big kids are putting together some science books).
Around the house… there is one helium balloon left from Kohen’s first birthday party and the carpet and bathrooms are in need of a good cleaning.
One of my favorite things… Kohen’s curls when his hair gets moist from humidity or sweat… and the way it grew in like a rooster or Mohawk.
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: Homeschool, projects for the Culture Fair, cooking, cleaning, reading and resting in Him.
Here is picture thought I am sharing…
Sweet pink of spring – the Red-bud trees are in bloom. If we weren’t the allergy poster family, I’d bring in a branch and put them in a pretty vase on the table.
How about you? What are you up to today?
I think you will love both DC and Hershey! There will be lots to do with the family in both places:)
Man! Big long, supremely long comment disappeared. Like seriously, locked up. Bummer. Come by Sheri's. Giveaway. Retweet please. Love ya. Sad about not winning dress.
Hi, Heather. When are you coming to DC? I can probably offer you a place to stay if you don't mind staying w/ complete strangers. I say probably because my son is coming from college with a tour of his improv comedy group and 5-7 college boys. Probably won't have any extra room at that time… Just let me know when and I'll let you know if I can fit you into the house! 🙂 Email offline if you like:
Maybe it would be easier if I'd say what I'm NOT doing today! 🙂
Potty training my 2yo (he's doing great on #1, #2 – not so much – suggestions are welcome!!), keeping my almost 1yo from eating everything she finds off the floor. We vacuum and sweep every day, but she's a regular genius and finding small objects!
Her birthday is next week, so I'm working on ideas for that (loved your owl birthday party, Heather!) and all the usual homeschooling things in the middle of everything else. Homeschooling is definitely a way of life isn't it? Not just between certain hours!
Also working on putting packets together for various pastors who are interested in us visiting their churches to share our ministry.
And a bunch of bananas are waiting on my counter to be made into banana bread…
It never ends, does it? "Let us not grow weary while doing good, in due season we shall reap if we don't lose heart." Gal. 6:9 – Good daily reminder for this mom!
I love this post. It makes me want to copy you and post like this.
Thank you for sharing a peek into your day!
Beautiful spring-y pic!
You're a very talented writer! What movie is on the Netflix que? Today my husband and I slept in, ordered a pizza for a late lunch/early dinner, and tried to think cool thoughts since it's 92 degrees here in New York and we don't have air conditioning in our apartment! We're also doing a bit of work on my blog, putting up some new logos and whatnot.