It’s easy to think about fluffy, flowery stuff on Mother’s Day… about where you’ll go out to eat for lunch, or what new bauble you’ll be wearing. It isn’t so easy to imagine past our sheltered American lives to what it might be like for other women who are caught in a terrible nightmare – one that may prevent them from every knowing what it is like to love, nourish and raise a child.
Remember those in prison as if you were their fellow prisoners, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering. ~ Hebrews 13:3
Justice Juels
Chelsea Dischinger, a national ambassador for Stop Child Trafficking Now, emailed me about possibly doing a give-away to raise awareness to her ministry and mission. She aims to raise a million dollars for the cause: stopping human trafficking.
She’s not rich. Chelsea is just a regular stay-at-home mom (with two little ones under 2) that felt the call of God in her life – the desire to help these helpless victimized children and set them free. She’s got a loving mother’s heart… and shares the love of her Father in Heaven for these suffering ones. She decided that she could do something about the situation and started a jewelry business which donates a majority (at least 60%) of its profits to organizations that rescue children and prosecute criminals for this heinous crime.
Slavery didn’t end with the Civil War. It is still going on today – and it is BIG business. There are over 27 million people enslaved around the world today (more than any other time in the history of the world). There are up to 17,500 people trafficked in the United States each year – THE UNITED STATES. A lot of these little girls (the majority are girls) are raped and beaten up to 20 times per day… and for as little as 30$ for fifteen minutes. Sadly, human trafficking is the third most profitable criminal activity – trailing only the drug trade and the illegal sale of weapons.
Get educated on the issue! You could make a unit study for older kids out of the resource material on the Justice Juels website. Just imagine if more people got involved?!
I am adamantly against the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child because it intervenes in the sovereignty of the United States (and is a major attack on parental rights – and an overwhelming majority of parents are loving, nurturing people). However, I am certainly for strict laws (and enforcement) against anyone who physically violates another person in any way. If we put half as much effort in to violent crimes as we do on petty drug charges, we could do the world a huge service… and spare a LOT of innocent people. Thus, I’m very happy to help out Chelsea in her quest to raise a million dollars for the release of these children and the prevention of more abuse.
If you are considering a pretty charm for Mother’s Day, why not let mom pick her favorite? Give her a gift certificate from Justice Juels. I’m sure she can find a perfectly wonderful hand-made bauble to wear… and you’ll both feel great knowing that you drew a line in the sand – one that pushed the gates of evil back just a little bit further.
Graciously, Chelsea offered to give away a personalized item from her store to one randomly chosen commenter here. She’s such a giving soul! She also made me and my daughter something. I can attest to the quality of her jewelry. I love my mother charm that includes a tiny birthstone charm and hand-stamped plate for each of my three kiddos. You can see a picture of my necklace on this past post (click the link in this paragraph to see it).
Here’s how you can win something lovely from Justice Juels:
NOTE: EACH COMMENT IS ONE ENTRY; so leave each item you complete in a separate comment or it won’t count! Contest ends this Friday at midnight (I won’t split hairs about the timezone). Winner will be chosen at random by and announced this weekend.
1. Visit Justice Juels and tell me what item you would get if you won.
2. Visit Stop Child Trafficking Now and watch the short video on their main page. Tell me something you learned about what they do.
3. Join the facebook or twitter pages for Justice Juels or Stop Child Trafficking Now (see their websites for those links). Come back here to leave the comment.
4. Interested in keeping up with Justice Juels? Join their email list. Find out when new items hit the shop or sales go on.
5. Subscribe to my email feed subscription or add my blog’s RSS to your feed reader.
6. TWEET! “@sprittibee is giving away jewelry by (60% profits go to stopping child slavery) pls RT!” – you can get one entry PER tweet, 2 tweets per day!
Happy Mother’s Day!
I retweeted( even before I read the post. What a great idea! May God bless these efforts.
I subscribe to your blog feed. 😉
I have two favorites. Does that count? I like the Family Tree necklace and the Birthstone Charm bracelet.
I tweeted!
I love the birthstone charm bracelet! Very cute!
I am following on FB and Twitter. Thanks for making me aware of such a great cause! It makes me so sad that it is so necessary.
I love the Birthstone Charm Bracelet. Even though mine would have 3 of 1 color and only 1 different one;).
I tweeted! @NerdMom
I subscribe on Google!
I would pick the Just Believe necklace. It really fits where I am now.
There is no way I could choose. There are so many I love. As I scrolled I thought "That one…no that one…no that one!" LOL
and I subscribe through google
I would get the Thick Washer necklace here:;=2
I subscribe!
ohhhh the Family Tree becklace fo sho!!
This post brought tears to my eyes. Can you imagine being regularly raped and beaten 20 times a day?
God bless Justice (what an appropriate name) for allowing God to work in her life in this way, and may He bless you too for doing this.
I really like the layers of change necklace and the blessed necklace. They are all beautiful, special, and for such a wonderful-wonderful cause. She is a very special woman. I am going to subscribe to her newsletter as well. Thank you!
These are gorgeous! And it is definitely so hard to make a choice. I think the birthstone charm bracelet. No, the necklace. No, the bracelet. {See!}
I'm torn between the Blessed Necklace and the Free All Washer!
I'm shocked the have children so young, at 4 and 5 years old! Sick and heart breaking.
Pearls In the Night has got to be my favorite necklace. She does beautiful work!
I am already a Google Connect Friend! Does that count? I don't use a Feedburner even though I provide one for my blog readers.
I just figure that one blog reader does me well for now!
I also joined their e-mail list. What an awesome cause. My husband and I were discussing this last night and how it is such an overwhelming problem.
I pray great things will come of this and God will give us the wisdom to know how to help.